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[Application] : Air Quality and Pollution awareness #6

Open chalei opened 8 months ago

chalei commented 8 months ago

Contact Details


Past Projects

Which disaster risk or issue are you addressing?

I live in Tangerang it is a city about 20 KM from the capital City Jakarta. Jakarta for the past few months has been in the Top 10 worst Air quality city in the world and my city Tangerang was on top 1 worst Air Quality in the country.

and as for today when I check the air quality map in Indonesia we have a lot of fire spot in the country this the annual wildfire that keep coming back every year. image

The bad air quality also has caused approximately 10.000 in 2023. my family also got the impact as my twin babies has been coughing for a week last month (they are ok right now). image translate: Thousands have died due to air pollution. Air quality makes people worry

one of the problem is the air quality station is not enough to cover the reading of a single city. Even in my city Alone we only have 1 Air Quality Station that cover approximately 150 Km area. This has raise my concern on getting the accurate Air Quality Index reading in my city. Based on this I want to add few more air quality station/node in few area of my city and I hope with this project I could help to raise awareness to the society and reduce the sickness caused by the air pollution


Human Pollution

Where are you from?

Asia / Southeast Asia

Readiness Level of a Project

TRL 2 - Technology Concept Formulated


sadranyi commented 8 months ago

this is incredible, Though Accra is not that Polluted I have been working on locally designed and produced Hyperlocal sensing stations reporting (Temperature, Humidity, PM2, PM5, PM10, Gasses and Sound Levels) I am happy to share our learning and designs we have 2 modules (LoRa & GSM)

chalei commented 7 months ago

thank you @sadranyi, if I Got chosen for this mission I will need a lot of your insight for this project.

hello @vongomben, hendra here. Hope everyone could make a good impact with this initiative.

vongomben commented 7 months ago

Hi! So nice to meet you here. We closed application not long ago but we are going to give a feedback to the applicants soon.

Ciao for now

vongomben commented 6 months ago


Thank you for sharing your impressive proposal! After careful consideration, we've decided to proceed further.

We have also added a few additional requirements and you may choose whether to agree to the following terms and conditions.

Project Showcase

Guarantee fee

Due to customs and postage issues, we have to add a guarantee fee and shipping cost.

Welcome your reply, we look forward to collaborating with you on this project.

Feel free to ping me by replying here or on Linkedin.

chalei commented 6 months ago

Thank you @vongomben for the opportunity, I already one step further for this initiative by installing the lorawan gateway on my campus and ready to take this to the next step