Seeed-Studio / Mutichannel_Gas_Sensor

This Arduino library is used for driving "Xadow - Mutichannel Gas Sensor" and "Grove - Mutichanel Gas Sensor"
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Can't get the sensor to work with Adafruit's Feather M0 #11

Open weirdchaos opened 6 years ago

weirdchaos commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to use the Multichannel Gas Sensor with an Adafuit Feather M0 board but the sketch get stuck at gas.begin(). I tried to put prints in the library code and it seems that nothing gets returned after the Wire.requestFrom in the get_addr_dta function resulting in an infinite loop to START:

I can get it to work with an ESP8266 board though so I know that the sensor is functioning properly.

I don"t know what to do to make it work?

paulvha commented 6 years ago

looks that Gas Sensor is not responding to the request to provide information from the register: it does a write request first and then waits for 2 bytes from the sensor with the Wire.requestFrom(). Try to debug with an i2c scanner/tracer for arduino. There are a number around.

ivars-p commented 5 years ago

Did you solve the issue? because i got the same with a different board... :/

naamah75 commented 5 years ago

Same issue with MKR1000

ZwilleSmutje commented 4 years ago

Same Issue for Seeeduino Cortex-M0+

ZwilleSmutje commented 4 years ago

in the MultichannelGasSensor.cpp (line 397) it says:

Function name: changeI2cAddr Descriptions: change I2C address of the slave MCU, and this address will be stored in EEPROM of slave MCU

And sadly "Not all SAMD devices use external eeprom #1322 "....

ZwilleSmutje commented 4 years ago

I am sorry to have confused everyone, but I withdraw my post from 01 Feb.

The trick to get the Multichannel-Gas-Sensor to work was ... horrifyingly easy. You can also download the changed Library as a Fork in my account

Here is how it goes: 1) download the Library 2) look into the MultichannelGasSensor.h you will find this: `



if defined (ARDUINO_SAMD_ZERO)

#define _SERIAL SerialUSB

elif defined(ARDUINO_ARCH_SEEED_STM32F4)

#define _SERIAL SerialUSB

elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD)

#define _SERIAL Serial

elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_AVR)

#define _SERIAL Serial


#error "Architecture not matched"


3) adapt to your board In my case I am using a Seeeduino Cortex-M0+ which uses an SAMD processor. So I just needed to change line 43 and add a USB. That is because the board has different USB output options so you have to specify which one you plugged your Computer to. Most of the times its the USB connection.

elif defined (ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD)

#define _SERIAL Serial**USB**   
brychanthomas commented 3 years ago

I was having the same problem with an infinite loop to START in get_addr_dta when trying to use it on an STM32F103C "blue pill" board. Rewriting the get_addr_dta functions with while loops and delays like in this fork worked for me, I can now call begin and read data from the sensor without getting stuck.