Seeed-Studio / Wio_Link

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architecture question of xchange server path #35

Closed dothebart closed 8 years ago

dothebart commented 8 years ago

Reading through the documentation I didn't find any notes on the communication flows. Reading through the code and watching netstat / tcpdump it seems to be like this:

1) the provisioned device connects the xchange server, and explains it which endpoints it has 2) this tcp connection device <-> xchange server is held open 3) an http client connects to one of the endpoints of the REST server 3a) the server queries the device via the existing tcp connection 3b) hopefully the device will reply with a value 3c) the received value is transfered back to the REST HTTP-Client in json format

did I get that correctly?

KillingJacky commented 8 years ago

yes, the same is another keep alive tcp connection, which connects device and OTA server. Device will listen OTA command, if triggered the device will download the firmware from an URL of OTA server.

dothebart commented 8 years ago

is there a way to have the device push its values?

KillingJacky commented 8 years ago

technically there is. but we followed the concept of web of things from W3C, in which a thing has properties to be read/written, and also events to push up. you can read some introduction from W3C.

dothebart commented 8 years ago

Ah, so you're speaking about: and this one in special: maybe you could add this somewhere in the wiki?