Seeed-Studio / Wio_Link

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Issues connecting Wio Node to new self hosted server #68

Closed dcflachs closed 4 years ago

dcflachs commented 4 years ago

I am having some real trouble getting my Wio Nodes connected to a self hosted server (docker). I am using the wio-cli as i cant manage to get the android apps to find the Wio Configuration Access Point. Via wio-cli i can connect to the node but i always fail at

>> The Wio connect to Server failure.

> Please check info you enter, Try again.

looking at the server logs i can see that the wio node connection was apparently successful.

[I 200423 13:29:56 server:149] accepted sn: 25c49bc204dcb73023f1d65de907e095 @fw_version 1.1
[D 200423 13:29:56 server:170] sig:     b77545a058f68e62707fcccd65c639b4ec6cef9d2e4a830a4348a27c5614a3f5
[D 200423 13:29:56 server:171] sig calc:b77545a058f68e62707fcccd65c639b4ec6cef9d2e4a830a4348a27c5614a3f5
[I 200423 13:29:56 server:179] valid hello packet from node c90e00d4858711eaa8e80242ac140006
[I 200423 13:29:56 server:188] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[I 200423 13:29:56 server:189] channel: xchange
[I 200423 13:29:56 server:190] size of conn pool: 1
[I 200423 13:29:56 server:191] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
[D 200423 13:29:57 server:204] cipher text: 26f8bc2d84e60f90064416b6851d1f18959df3a3cf1d3928fbd43fb43eef629c
[I 200423 13:29:57 server:149] accepted sn: 25c49bc204dcb73023f1d65de907e095 @fw_version 1.1
[D 200423 13:29:57 server:170] sig:     b77545a058f68e62707fcccd65c639b4ec6cef9d2e4a830a4348a27c5614a3f5
[D 200423 13:29:57 server:171] sig calc:b77545a058f68e62707fcccd65c639b4ec6cef9d2e4a830a4348a27c5614a3f5
[I 200423 13:29:57 server:179] valid hello packet from node c90e00d4858711eaa8e80242ac140006
[I 200423 13:29:57 server:188] >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
[I 200423 13:29:57 server:189] channel: ota
[I 200423 13:29:57 server:190] size of conn pool: 1
[I 200423 13:29:57 server:191] <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

I also see

[D 200423 13:33:57 server:336] heartbeat sent to node c90e00d4858711eaa8e80242ac140006 on xchange channel
[D 200423 13:33:57 server:336] heartbeat sent to node c90e00d4858711eaa8e80242ac140006 on ota channel
[D 200423 13:33:57 server:252] Node c90e00d4858711eaa8e80242ac140006 alive on xchange channel!
[D 200423 13:33:57 server:256] Node c90e00d4858711eaa8e80242ac140006 recv json on ota channel
[D 200423 13:33:57 server:257] {u'msg': 1, u'msg_type': u'online_status'}

At this point i am not sure where to direct my debugging.

awong1900 commented 4 years ago

Thank you for using. I am the developer of cli. I will check you issue.

awong1900 commented 4 years ago

Do you have login for wio-cli? Because you use yourself server.

(env2) jump@wangtengdeMacBook-Pro ~ % wio login
1.) Global Server (New)[]
2.) Chinese Server []
3.) Customize Server
? Please choice server: 3
? Please enter Customize Server url
(e.g. or 
dcflachs commented 4 years ago

@awong1900 Thanks for taking a look. The server i am using for my devices is not currently internet accessible. Rather i had intended to use all the Wio devices and the server on the same private network. Are you asking for access to the server for debugging purposes?

awong1900 commented 4 years ago

Whether you use a private network or a public network, you need to make sure that wio-cli has access permissions to the servers you set up. The wio-cli login command gets the token from your server to configure the operation.

dcflachs commented 4 years ago

Ok I understand what you are asking now. Yes i was able to log in to the private server using the wio-cli login command. The wio state command returns the correct server, email and a token. My attempts to connect the node to the server using the wio setup command always fail as mentioned above.

Just a note i did also try using the android app. I was able to connect that to the private server as well but i could never connect to the wio node config access point with android. I think that was because of my android tablet using 5G wifi.

awong1900 commented 4 years ago

5G wifi this could be a point. I don't know if wiolink/wionode supports 5G wifi, so I need to check the specification. If your wifi router supports two bands, turn it on and test it. I'm going to test that as well.

dcflachs commented 4 years ago

@awong1900 I am sorry i did not mean to confuse the issue by mentioning 5G wifi. I do have a dual band router and i am connecting my Wio devices to the 2.4G wifi band as they do not support 5G wifi. When i am using the wio-cli i am using it with a 2.4G PC wireless adapter.

My comment above that mentioned 5G wifi was in regards to an issue i had with the Wio android app. It is not directly relevant to this thread since i am using wio-cli to connect the nodes via PC.

awong1900 commented 4 years ago

OK. This is my connection result just now, compare it, if can help you.

(env2) jump@wangtengdeMacBook-Pro env2 % wio setup
> Setup is easy! Let's get started...

! PROTIP: Hold the Configure button ~4s into Configure Mode!
! PROTIP: Please make sure you are connected to the Server

? Would you like continue? [Y/n]: 
0.) Wio Link v1.0
1.) Wio Node v1.0
? Please choice the board type: 1

! PROTIP: Wireless setup of Wio!
! PROTIP: You need manually change your Wi-Fi network to Wio's network.
! PROTIP: You will lose your connection to the internet periodically.

? Please connect to the Wio_* network now. Press enter when ready: 
? Would you like to manually enter your Wi-Fi network configuration? [y/N]: 
0.) nuVision_2.4G                                                                
1.) CHOD
2.) nuVision_2.4G
3.) ChinaNet-MaAG
4.) SZCH
5.) 朗诗集团
6.) CHGLBhuiyishi
7.) CMCC
8.) and-Business
10.) ChinaNet-q75W
11.) ChinaNet-AqDH
12.) jasson-bangongshi
13.) CMCC
14.) RopaiSamba
15.) 360行车记录仪-8A83
? Please select the network to which your Wio should connect: 0
> Please enter your Wi-Fi network password (leave blank for none): 55557777
> Please enter the name of a device will be created: ten-node
> Here's what we're going to send to the Wio:

> Wi-Fi network: nuVision_2.4G
> Password: 55557777
> Device name: ten-node

? Would you like to continue with the information shown above? [Y/n]: 

> The Wio connect to Server success.                                             
> Set Wio name success.                                                          

> Configuration complete!
(env2) jump@wangtengdeMacBook-Pro env2 % wio list
|-- Wio Node 1 (offline) [Node]                                                  
|   |-- sn: 51bd0029bfa1a673be2f22ed839aee7a
|   |-- token: a6a349d756cefc096442ca2d9268cca1
|   |-- API url:
|   |-- APIs: 
|-- ten-node (online) [Node]
    |-- sn: 8f5c440310048825b1a1e16332a9304b
    |-- token: 8c2b571f8c8d72c5b37319138e8d9134
    |-- API url:
    |-- APIs: 
        |-- POST /v1/node/GroveLedWs2812D1/clear/{uint8_t total_led_cnt}/{char *rgb_hex_string}
        |-- POST /v1/node/GroveLedWs2812D1/segment/{uint8_t start}/{char *rgb_hex_string}
        |-- POST /v1/node/GroveLedWs2812D1/start_rainbow_flow/{uint8_t length}/{uint8_t brightness}/{uint8_t speed}
        |-- POST /v1/node/GroveLedWs2812D1/stop_rainbow_flow

Then i can check it on IOS App. image

awong1900 commented 4 years ago

I'm guessing a few possible problems, such as domain name errors, or HTTPS without certificates.

dcflachs commented 4 years ago

The workflow you posted above looks generally the same as what i am seeing right up until your says The Wio connect to Server success. Mine prints

>> The Wio connect to Server failure.
> Please check info you enter, Try again.

The domain name that i am using is which is the address of a reverse proxy to a Wio_Link server running in a docker container. The other 3 port addresses used by the Wio_Link server are not reverse proxies (and not ssl protected). They are set as described in the server deployment guide 8081, 8000, and 8001 also at the address.

The certificate that I am using is self signed.

awong1900 commented 4 years ago

I'm looking at the code on for wio-cli. here. First send with upd command:

    elif board == WIO_NODE_V1_0:
        r = upd_send(msvr, msvr_ip, xsvr, xsvr_ip, node_sn, node_key)
        if not r:
        d_name = r['name']
        check_connect(mserver_url, token, node_sn, d_name)

Then check wio list

def check_connect(mserver_url, token, node_sn, d_name):
    thread = termui.waiting_echo('')
    thread.daemon = True
    state_online = False
    for i in range(60):
        thread.message("The Wio now attempt to connect to Server... [%s]" %(60-i))
            params = {"access_token":token}
            r = requests.get("%s%s" %(mserver_url, node_list_endpoint), params=params)
            json_response = r.json()
        except Exception as e:

        for n in json_response["nodes"]:
            if n["node_sn"] == node_sn and n["online"]:
                click.echo('\r> ', fg='green') + "The Wio connect to Server success.              ")
                thread.message("Setting Wio name...")
                state_online = True
        if state_online:

    if not state_online:
        click.echo('\r>> ', fg='red') + "The Wio connect to Server failure.")
        click.secho("\n> Please check info you enter, Try again.", fg='white', bold=True)
        return None

The problem lies somewhere in between. It could be an upd delivery failure or some parameter setting error.

dcflachs commented 4 years ago

Do you also have access to logs from your WIO_Link server? In my first post in this thread I have logs from my private server that seem to show Wio_Link server communicating with my Wio Node. That was what made me post here initially as i think it suggests an issue with the way i have my server setup rather than the Wio-CLI or the node itself.

awong1900 commented 4 years ago

we need @KillingJacky help. :)

awong1900 commented 4 years ago

wio-cli can enable the node's debug mode. Should have more log on server.

Config your device setting:

$wio config --debug [on|off], enable/disable wio debug
$wio config --get-debug, get wio debug status
awong1900 commented 4 years ago

Do you also have access to logs from your WIO_Link server?

I don't have the permissions anymore.

dcflachs commented 4 years ago

I am still very much looking for some help with this one. @KillingJacky

dcflachs commented 4 years ago

I was finally able to sit down and get to the bottom of this issue. @awong1900 it turns out that you were correct and the issue was with wio-cli and no the Wio_link server. I have logged an issue in the wio-cli repository.

The TLDR for anyone landing at this issue is that Wio-cli was not playing nice with a the self signed certificate on my custom server.