Seeker14491 / opener

Open a file or link in the system default program.
Apache License 2.0
49 stars 10 forks source link failed to build docs #24

Closed Seeker14491 closed 1 year ago

Seeker14491 commented 1 year ago failed to build the docs for the v0.6.0 version of the crate.

The error suggests libdbus-sys v0.2.4 is writing outside of $OUT_DIR, which would cause the error. But it's not clear why this is happening, as the docs for libdbus-sys v0.2.4 itself built fine.

edit: The issue has to do with the vendored feature of libdbus-sys. I opened an issue over there:

Seeker14491 commented 1 year ago

The linked issue has been fixed, and I published the new opener version 0.6.1 which successfully built on