Seeker14491 / opener

Open a file or link in the system default program.
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Workaround for #31

Closed dahlbaek closed 1 month ago

dahlbaek commented 1 month ago

As described in Cargo Issue 10788, until Rust 1.71 there were cases where the dependency/feature syntax would not work correctly when used in combination with the dep:dependency syntax. Workarounds include adding an explicit feature

dependency = ["dep:dependency"]

but in many (most?) cases it is enough to only enable the dependency feature if the dependency is already enabled, via the dependency?/feature syntax.

For context, here are some workarounds employed by others:

Seeker14491 commented 1 month ago

Thanks! With the way I wrote these features, I've now discovered that we were pulling in the dbus crate by default, which is not intended; it's only supposed to be pulled in when enabling the reveal feature. This PR also fixes this regression.