Seelengrab / RequiredInterfaces.jl

A small package for providing the minimal required method surface of a Julia API
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Listing some undocumented interfaces found in base #9

Open LilithHafner opened 11 months ago

LilithHafner commented 11 months ago

The most prominent interfaces defined in base are listed in the documentation. Here are some others:


Define MyType <: Real Base.round(::MyType, ::RoundingMode)

Get round(::Type{T}, ::MyType, ::RoundingMode) round(::Type{T}, ::MyType) floor(::Type{T}, ::MyType) ceil(::Type{T}, ::MyType) trunc(::Type{T}, ::MyType) round(::MyType) floor(::MyType) ceil(::MyType) trunc(::MyType)


Define Base.isless(::MyType, ::MyType)

Get issorted(::AbstractVector{MyType}) sort(::AbstractVector{MyType}; kw...) sort!(::AbstractVector{MyType}; kw...) sortperm(::AbstractVector{MyType}; kw...) sortperm!(::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, ::AbstractVector{MyType}; kw...) partialsort(::AbstractVector{MyType}; kw...) partialsort!(::AbstractVector{MyType}; kw...) partialsortperm(::AbstractVector{MyType}; kw...) partialsortperm!(::AbstractVector{<:Integer}, ::AbstractVector{MyType}; kw...)

Seelengrab commented 11 months ago

That's a very good list! I have the "you get these methods" part of interfaces implemented on a branch, but it's not yet merged into main. Still needs some tests!

I've also thought about whether (and how) this package should have these kinds of existing interfaces as part of a checkable set of default interfaces. It's sometimes a bit unclear, because having a fallback definition actually throwing an NotImplementedError would be piracy and cause lots of invalidations.. Still, collecting these implicit interfaces is a good idea.

A similar list can probably be done for the rand family of functions.

LilithHafner commented 11 months ago

The "you get these methods" list will always be incomplete, but I still think it's good to have.

A similar list can probably be done for the rand family of functions.

Yes, that would be nice to have.

Seelengrab commented 11 months ago

Of course - the "you get these methods" list is purely intended as a "we guarantee to support at least these calls", not as an exhaustive list of what technically works. Otherwise it could be automated via reflection.