Closed jariji closed 8 months ago
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Test Summary:
using Test julia> @testset "trigonometric identities" begin θ = 2/3*π @test sin(-θ) ≈ -sin(θ) @test cos(-θ) ≈ cos(θ) @test sin(2θ) ≈ 2*sin(θ)*cos(θ) @test cos(2θ) ≈ cos(θ)^2 - sin(θ)^2 end; Test Summary: | Pass Total Time trigonometric identities | 4 4 0.1s julia> Supposition.@check function increasing_function_is_increasing(f=increasing_functions, xs=Data.Vectors(Data.Floats{Float64}(nans=false))) xs = sort(xs) ys = map(f, xs) issorted(ys) end Test Summary: | Pass Total Time increasing_function_is_increasing | 1 1 0.3s
There are supposed to be more spaces after
Test Summary: