Sefaria / Sefaria-Export

Structured Jewish texts and metadata exported from Sefaria's database.
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Update data from 2024-01-16 (json, links, misc, schemas, txt, table_of_contents) #49

Open herzberg opened 4 months ago

herzberg commented 4 months ago

Note: This does not include any updates to cltk-flat or cltk-full.

In order to make the upload smoother, I created a short script to help commit/upload piece by piece.

topCategories = ['Chasidut', 'Halakhah', 'Jewish Thought', 'Kabbalah',
                 'Liturgy', 'Midrash', 'Mishnah', 'Musar', 'Reference',
                 'Responsa', 'Second Temple', 'Talmud', 'Tanakh', 'Tosefta']

categoryDirs = ['json',
                # 'cltk-full', 'cltk-flat',

otherDirs = ['misc', 'schemas', 'links', '.']

def gitLine(name: str):
    print('git add "%s" && git commit -m "update %s" && git push' % (name, name))

def main():
    for categoryDir in categoryDirs:
        for category in topCategories:
            name = '%s/%s' % (categoryDir, category)
    for d in otherDirs:


Which provided these commands:

git add "json/Chasidut" && git commit -m "update json/Chasidut" && git push
git add "json/Halakhah" && git commit -m "update json/Halakhah" && git push
git add "json/Jewish Thought" && git commit -m "update json/Jewish Thought" && git push
git add "json/Kabbalah" && git commit -m "update json/Kabbalah" && git push
git add "json/Liturgy" && git commit -m "update json/Liturgy" && git push
git add "json/Midrash" && git commit -m "update json/Midrash" && git push
git add "json/Mishnah" && git commit -m "update json/Mishnah" && git push
git add "json/Musar" && git commit -m "update json/Musar" && git push
git add "json/Reference" && git commit -m "update json/Reference" && git push
git add "json/Responsa" && git commit -m "update json/Responsa" && git push
git add "json/Second Temple" && git commit -m "update json/Second Temple" && git push
git add "json/Talmud" && git commit -m "update json/Talmud" && git push
git add "json/Tanakh" && git commit -m "update json/Tanakh" && git push
git add "json/Tosefta" && git commit -m "update json/Tosefta" && git push
git add "txt/Chasidut" && git commit -m "update txt/Chasidut" && git push
git add "txt/Halakhah" && git commit -m "update txt/Halakhah" && git push
git add "txt/Jewish Thought" && git commit -m "update txt/Jewish Thought" && git push
git add "txt/Kabbalah" && git commit -m "update txt/Kabbalah" && git push
git add "txt/Liturgy" && git commit -m "update txt/Liturgy" && git push
git add "txt/Midrash" && git commit -m "update txt/Midrash" && git push
git add "txt/Mishnah" && git commit -m "update txt/Mishnah" && git push
git add "txt/Musar" && git commit -m "update txt/Musar" && git push
git add "txt/Reference" && git commit -m "update txt/Reference" && git push
git add "txt/Responsa" && git commit -m "update txt/Responsa" && git push
git add "txt/Second Temple" && git commit -m "update txt/Second Temple" && git push
git add "txt/Talmud" && git commit -m "update txt/Talmud" && git push
git add "txt/Tanakh" && git commit -m "update txt/Tanakh" && git push
git add "txt/Tosefta" && git commit -m "update txt/Tosefta" && git push
git add "misc" && git commit -m "update misc" && git push
git add "schemas" && git commit -m "update schemas" && git push
git add "links" && git commit -m "update links" && git push
git add "." && git commit -m "update ." && git push
herzberg commented 4 months ago

Please double check my work

herzberg commented 4 months ago

I've spot checked it, and I think it should be safe to merge

herzberg commented 4 months ago

Derekh HaShem vs. Derekh Hashem

Small issue that is not a big deal, but I figured its worth mention since I saw it. The table_of_contents.json has Derekh Hashem which seems to be what Sefaria's website uses as the primary name. while the path uses: json/Jewish Thought/Acharonim/Derekh HaShem (capital S)