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Remove Community Menu Items #1937

Open saengel opened 4 weeks ago

saengel commented 4 weeks ago


Remove community menu links from homepage (Collections, Join the Conversation, Join the Community). The <Modules /> component in NavSidebar.jsx renders the sub-modules based on what's needed in the sidebar where <NavSidebar /> is called. The core code for these widgets remains inside the NavSidebar.jsx file, and they remain as possible modules within <Modules /> for <NavSidebar /> to call (i.e. so they can be called on the Community page without breaking functionality).

The strategy here was to remove the links and the specific Join the Conversation/Join the Community where they are called, so within the library no one will encounter these widgets.

Additionally, the Collections and Community links were removed.

Code changes:

  1. static/js/CommunityPage.jsx - Remove JoinTheConversation and ExploreCollections from the modules to be rendered in the sidebar.
  2. static/js/Footer.jsx - Remove the Source Sheets link from the footer.
  3. static/js/Header.jsx - Remove the Community link from the header.
  4. static/js/NavSidebar.jsx - Remove Create with Sefaria and Collections from the homepage sidebar
  5. static/js/TextsPage.jsx - Remove JoinTheCommunity module from rendering in the sidebar
  6. static/js/TopicPageAll.jsx - Remove JoinTheConversation module from rendering in the sidebar
  7. static/js/TopicsPage.jsx - Remove JoinTheConversation module from rendering in the sidebar

Testing functionality