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Organize Yerushalmi by Chapter / Halacha #82

Open bachrach44 opened 10 years ago

bachrach44 commented 10 years ago

Sorry to keep adding to your todo list Brett...

I was looking at the Talmud Yerushalmi and I noticed a few issues. 1 - Although the bavli starts every masechet on daf 2, the Yerushalmi actually starts on daf 1. Sefaria seems to think that the Uerushalmi starts on daf 2, and drops the beginning of each masechet. For example brachot starts with the same mishnah as in the bavli - mei'meiti korin et ha'shma, which is completely missing from sefaria. You can see the original source at mechon-mamre:

2 - the second thing is that daf pagination isn't really appropriate for the Yerushalmi anyway. There have been several printings of the Yerushalmi, and none has really dominated in the way that the Vilna Shas did for the bavli. The result is that pagination is different from edition to edition, and most people cite things in the yerushalmi by masechet, chapter, and mishnah number. For example someone might cite things like this: Yerushalmi, Brachot gemarah 2:3

Mechon Mamre (which was our source) is using the Piotrkow edition, which appears to be following the Venice edition, but it's not the only one used. Even there you can see that they organize the data by daf and by the chapter:mishnah method.

blockspeiser commented 10 years ago

Thanks. (1) I need to address. There is some special logic for Texts in the category "Talmud" to make 2a be treated as the first page. This needs to be adjusted for Yerushalmi. The text is in fact there, it just isn't really accessible from the UI (

On (2) - we had a number of discussion about this, though it may be that we still need to change.... Let me ask Sara to chime in.

SaraWolkenfeld commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the heads-up about dropping the first daf - I hadn't realized that. Need to work on that...

In terms of the pagination, as Brett mentioned, we're aware of the issue. The convention that I'm familiar with is to give both citations - chapter:mishnah and daf (though you are right that the former is technically more correct). This was easier for now, but my hope is that eventually both will be available on Sefaria. Something for Brett and I to speak more about...also, I hope that eventually our search function will make it super-easy (much more so than with an actual print edition) to find anything that one is looking for in the Yerushalmi.

blockspeiser commented 10 years ago

The first issue is now fixed. Yerushalmi texts now begin on 1a while Bavli begin on 2a and we've added many missing first pages. The second issue is still open.