Sefiraat / Networks

A Slimefun4 addon that adds a new storage solution for mass and organised storage without harsh performance.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[Suggestion] Network pusher/grabber enhancement #144

Open DrEthan77 opened 1 year ago

DrEthan77 commented 1 year ago

Allow network pushers to push items accessible to network grabbers, when no intermediary storage is available.

DrEthan77 commented 1 year ago

To explain this more, if I have a smeltery making 6k gold, I don't want to have quantum storage specifically for it because I don't want to have that many intermediary resources on hand. So I would like a pusher to "see" the items sitting in the completed half of the smelter when connected to a grabber for when I want to make 8k gold.