Segfault-Inc / Multicorn

Data Access Library
PostgreSQL License
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registered UserDefinedType gets discarded on new session #71

Open strk opened 10 years ago

strk commented 10 years ago

I'm registering a 'geometry' datatype in sqlalchemy.dialects.* for the sake of being able to transfer geometries from MySQL to PostgreSQL. It works pretty nicely, but as soon as I disconnect and re-connect the mapping is lost, and PostgreSQL gets the empty string as the value of the MySQL geometry field (rather than calling func.AsText as requested).

How am I supposed to make the registration persistent across sessions ?

rdunklau commented 10 years ago

How are you registering the new types for now ?

I think the easiest would be to add a new option to the sqlalchemy_fdw called types_map, which would accept a dict (or a json object) defining the mappings you would like to add.

strk commented 10 years ago

I'm defining a class and attching to sqlalchemy.dialects..base.ischema_names[]:

I guess also the class definition would need to be re-issued on session refresh. What about an hook that's called on FDW load, for max flexibility ?

rdunklau commented 10 years ago

From an external function, that's clever ! :) Unfortunately, due to the design of Multicorn it can't work: the Python interpreter is instantiated once for each session.

What you should probably do:

Nonetheless, I think a generic option to add types mapping would be great.

strk commented 10 years ago

Extending the SQLALchemyFDW class would still need to act outside of the database. I don't understand why the callback cannot work. Could the name of a function to call be specified in the OPTION of the foreign server ?

rdunklau commented 10 years ago

I don't understand your concern regarding actions "outside of the database". If you can install Multicorn, you should be able to install your own Multicorn-FDW too.

Adding a hook to be called by Multicorn would probably be a bit more complicated than it seems, too: of the top of my head, what happens to parameters ?

Really, if you want to mingle with the internals of a FDW, extend it and be done with it.

On the other hand, the specific "add custom types mapping" feature is general enough to warrant an inclusion in the FDW.

strk commented 10 years ago

Ok, got it. I guess my own multicorn-based FDW could also have support for remote sql queries, right ? (#70)

rdunklau commented 9 years ago

Yes it could.