SegmentLinking / cmssw

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Usage of split TrackCandidate collections for LST objects and fixes/improvements for TrajectorySeed collections #28

Closed VourMa closed 1 month ago

VourMa commented 1 month ago

Same as but without the LSTCore package in the mix. Copying a summary of the description here (and more detailed comments can be found in the other PR):

This PR transfers the machinery for the improvements introduced in Phase 2 HLT for LST and partially transfers these improvements. More specifically, the pT LST objects and the T5 LST objects are now used to create separate TrackCandidate collections, so that a different tracking ID can be applied to each one of them: The default tracking ID for highPtTripletStep for Phase 2 is applied to the pT LST objects and not tracking ID is applied to the T5 LST objects. What can also be tested and applied in a future PR is the utilization of the LST seeds as inputs to a following CKF/mkFit "iteration".

Apart from the above, there are a few fixes/improvements for the TrajectorySeeds collection of LST objects (see PR and the discussion that took place there about the proper length for the hitsForSeed vector and the addition of a toggle to construct non-pLS TrajectorySeeds).

The plots for the two-iteration setup with CKF vs. LST vs. LST after this PR can be found here:

slava77 commented 1 month ago

CI plots were in