SegmentLinking / cmssw

CMS Offline Software
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Make compilation flags for duplicate cleaning and triplet pLSs into runtime flags (TrackLooper PR#408 + cmssw PR#31) #37

Closed VourMa closed 2 weeks ago

VourMa commented 3 weeks ago

As per title. The way I did this is the following:

For instructions on testing the PR, probably #36 would need to be finalized. I will follow up based on the discussion there.

However, locally merging the aforementioned PR, I managed to run the validation for this one. The plots can be found in this link, and are to be compared with the corresponding ones from the validation of SegmentLinking/TrackLooper#408 here. Results match, so this PR is good to go from my side.

ariostas commented 3 weeks ago

I'll check if the CI is working.

/run all

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

The PR was built and ran successfully in standalone mode. Here are some of the comparison plots.

Efficiency vs pT comparison Efficiency vs eta comparison
Fake rate vs pT comparison Fake rate vs eta comparison
Duplicate rate vs pT comparison Duplicate rate vs eta comparison

The full set of validation and comparison plots can be found here.

Here is a timing comparison:

   Evt    Hits       MD       LS      T3       T5       pLS       pT5      pT3      TC       Reset    Event     Short             Rate
   avg     44.4    323.8    121.6     47.8     95.0    502.5    133.7    156.9    101.2      2.0    1528.8     981.9+/- 261.3     413.6   explicit_cache[s=4] (target branch)
   avg     47.7    324.7    122.2     48.5     96.4    498.8    133.8    156.4    104.8      2.7    1536.0     989.5+/- 261.4     420.5   explicit_cache[s=4] (this PR)
github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

The PR was built and ran successfully with CMSSW. Here are some plots.

OOTB All Tracks
Efficiency and fake rate vs pT, eta, and phi

The full set of validation and comparison plots can be found here.