Sehelitar /

A powerful Kick integration for
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Shoutouts returning the user that types it? #20

Closed Jyojibh closed 9 months ago

Jyojibh commented 9 months ago


So I've been tinkering with this as you can see below, However i seem to be having an issue, I may just be missing something... But just checking to see if I'm making a simple mistake?


I am Typing in the following but the outcome is always my name?


But Im getting the following instead of it showing SendMemesPlox its showing my name? I've used %targetUser% I've tried %targetUserName% and it still returns value of my name or whoever types it.



Sehelitar commented 9 months ago


Anything you type after a command is available through rawInput argument. Replacing %targetUser% with %rawInput% should fix that. You should have something like this:


Jyojibh commented 9 months ago

Amazing Thank you for your help, Is there a repository for the variables that can be used for the kick calls?

Additionally I noticed Cooldowns don't seem to be working for certain things as well, I did try a few different ways is this a known issue?

Sehelitar commented 9 months ago

You're welcome ;) Everything is documented here, in the Wiki tab :

Cooldowns triggers are not commonly used but they should work as expected, depending on how they are configured. Remember to hit the "Save" button when you modify commands so they can be properly reloaded. Can you describe what went wrong so I can reproduce this?

Jyojibh commented 9 months ago

So as you can see here I've got it set to Trigger the sounds I have, However It doesnt take it from the cooldowns I have set.



Sehelitar commented 9 months ago

Cooldowns triggers are also known as "command is denied because it is in cooldown" triggers. Usually these are used to send a message back to the user issuing the command like "This command is in cooldown. Try again later." so they know what is going on.

You should just use the "normal" commands triggers for your actions. These triggers wont be called if a cooldown is in effect, but the cooldowns ones will.

Jyojibh commented 9 months ago

I see where I went wrong, I forgot to remove the twitch commands where it should have been the Kick! Such a simple mistake! Thanks again!