This bug affects the XSLT transformation from SC3ML to QuakeML XSLT transformations. I couldn't find the files to raise a PR against so I'm raising an issue instead (sorry).
When the event type in the XSLT is mapped to other it should be other event. This is the allowed type in QuakeML 1.2.
Thanks for reporting this error. We just uploaded new versions of the XSLT scripts which include additional improvements reported at
This bug affects the XSLT transformation from SC3ML to QuakeML XSLT transformations. I couldn't find the files to raise a PR against so I'm raising an issue instead (sorry).
When the event type in the XSLT is mapped to
it should beother event
. This is the allowed type in QuakeML 1.2.e.g., instead of:
the mapping should be like:
This affects all the XSLT: