I've noticed that VelocityAwareMeshing seems to always crash with the velocity is given by a LayeredModel.
Here is an extract of the log:
Wed Feb 22 14:42:28, Info: face id: 116 , MSize = 1000
Wed Feb 22 14:42:28, Info: face id: 120 , MSize = 1000
Wed Feb 22 14:42:28, Info: face id: 122 , MSize = 1000
Wed Feb 22 14:42:28, Info: Enabling velocity aware meshing
Wed Feb 22 14:42:28, Info: Gradation rate = 0.8
Wed Feb 22 14:42:28, Info: Target equivolume AspectRatio = 12
Wed Feb 22 14:42:28, Info: Target equiarea AspectRatio = 6
Wed Feb 22 14:42:28, Info: Starting the surface mesher
Wed Feb 22 14:42:28, Info: Progress: Surface Meshing
Primary job terminated normally, but 1 process returned
a non-zero exit code. Per user-direction, the job has been aborted.
mpirun noticed that process rank 8 with PID 0 on node exception exited on signal 11 (Segmentation fault).
I've noticed that VelocityAwareMeshing seems to always crash with the velocity is given by a LayeredModel. Here is an extract of the log:
Here is the xml file:
and here is the yaml file:
if I use a LuaMap instead:
I'm able to generate the mesh.
the setup is available on exception, at /export/dump/ulrich/PUMGEN_folder/bug_layered_model