SeisoLLC / zeek-kafka

A Zeek log writer plugin that publishes to Kafka.
Apache License 2.0
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Update documentation to show log filtering configuration for Zeek 5.x #61

Open lawson-kc opened 1 year ago

lawson-kc commented 1 year ago

Summary of the issue

Current documentation for applying a filter to a zeek stream before it is sent to Kafka is using the "$pred" feature. This feature was depreciated in Zeek version 4.x in favor of using the "hook" feature ( but was still supported, but in version 5.x a "zeekctl check" will fail with:

error in /usr/local/zeek/share/zeek/site/local.zeek, lines 150-158: orphaned field "pred" in record coercion ((coerce [$name=kafka-ssl, $writer=Log::WRITER_KAFKAWRITER, $config=table( =, $pred=no_ssl_int, $path=DC2_Network_Monitor_Zeek_SSL_Raw] to Log::Filter))

The above referenced Zeek documentation shows how to filter using hooks with the ASCII writer, but it is unclear how to implement a hook filter specific to a Kafka topic in a local.zeek configuration file.

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