Seklfreak / discord-image-downloader-go

A simple tool which downloads pictures posted in discord channels of your choice to a local folder.
MIT License
350 stars 90 forks source link

Discord #115

Closed SadhaRoti closed 5 years ago

SadhaRoti commented 5 years ago

iv configured my config file and i cant get the bot to download anything on my says 0 pictures download. Im note sure if anything is wrong with my config like to know if anyone can show me an example of this file set up for discord..or can mines by someone that has got this working.

SadhaRoti commented 5 years ago

[auth] email = - password = - [general] skip edits = true download tistory sites = false max download retries = 5 download timeout = 60 send notices to interactive channels = false

[interactive channels]

[channels] channelid1 = C:\full\path\1 channelid2 = C:\full\path\2 channelid3 = C:\full\path\3

[flickr] api key = your flickr api key

[twitter] consumer key = your consumer key consumer secret = your consumer secret access token = your access token access token secret = your access token secret


DreamPhreak commented 5 years ago

Remove the email and password lines and replace with token, there are detailed instructions in a different issue on how to get your auth token. Also what's going on with the interactive channels section? I don't think a full link like that works, but if you sent a command to it and it responded with that "0 pictures downloaded" message, i dont even know anymore. Its supposed to be just the channelid to a private channel with your bot and account.