Seklfreak / discord-image-downloader-go

A simple tool which downloads pictures posted in discord channels of your choice to a local folder.
MIT License
350 stars 90 forks source link

=Unable to find valid link #123

Closed stickerx closed 5 years ago

stickerx commented 5 years ago

i do everything rigth but

respond me Unable to find valid link

Kakkela commented 5 years ago

Please describe your issue better, start by describing what kind of link you are posting to it and show your config file (remove your login information).

stickerx commented 5 years ago

`[auth] token =....

[general] skip edits = true download tistory sites = false max download retries = 5 download timeout = 60 send notices to interactive channels = false

[channels] channelid1 = 267292556709068800 C:\Users\Meneow\Desktop\xxx\pick channelid2 = 498842712490115094 C:\Users\Meneow\Desktop\xxx\pick channelid3 = 369876416227180555 C:\Users\Meneow\Desktop\xxx\pick

[flickr] api key = your flickr api key

[twitter] consumer key = your consumer key consumer secret = your consumer secret access token = your access token access token secret = your access token secret

[interactive channels] 523600647107379201 = C:\Users\Meneow\Desktop\xxx\pick`

Kakkela commented 5 years ago

Your channels section is wrong format (though you have interactive channels right) and you didn't say what kind of link you were having problems with. Not all sites are supported.

stickerx commented 5 years ago

what is wrong format ?

Kakkela commented 5 years ago

channelid1 =

is unncessary and = sign should be between ID and Path

stickerx commented 5 years ago

Please make sure the channels have been whitelisted before submitting.

please how i can add channels in whitelisted ?

Kakkela commented 5 years ago

That [channels] section is the whitelist

stickerx commented 5 years ago

[channels] channel id Which I want to download from them pictures


[interactive channels] here channel id from the direct message channel


stickerx commented 5 years ago

now i get this when i put id channel

Please tell me one or multiple Channel IDs (separated by commas) Please make sure the channels have been whitelisted before submitting.

DreamPhreak commented 5 years ago

So instead of having this:

channelid1 = 267292556709068800 C:\Users\Meneow\Desktop\xxx\pick
channelid2 = 498842712490115094 C:\Users\Meneow\Desktop\xxx\pick
channelid3 = 369876416227180555 C:\Users\Meneow\Desktop\xxx\pick

change it to this:

267292556709068800 = C:\Users\Meneow\Desktop\xxx\pick
498842712490115094 = C:\Users\Meneow\Desktop\xxx\pick
369876416227180555 = C:\Users\Meneow\Desktop\xxx\pick

And then when you message your bot in DM, type "history" and then it will ask that question and then give it the channel id from the list above, for example just input "267292556709068800"

stickerx commented 5 years ago

Ha! it works now! Thank you for pointing me into the right direction.