Seklfreak / discord-image-downloader-go

A simple tool which downloads pictures posted in discord channels of your choice to a local folder.
MIT License
349 stars 91 forks source link

Wont go any further than the config. #228

Open Synovaa opened 7 months ago

Synovaa commented 7 months ago

With the newst update after i launch it and fill out the config and when the data base is created. I relaunch it and it stays and says "> discord-image-downloader-go v1.38 -- discordgo v0.22.0 reading config from config.ini"

Wont go any further than this. Also redownloaded and deleted the files.

Nafi7393 commented 7 months ago

same problem with this error code,

error opening connection, strconv.ParseInt: parsing "1702013307.695": invalid syntax

get-got commented 2 months ago

Late response but for others looking, this project has been abandoned for some time. Since 2020 I've been maintaining a redesigned version that was originally a fork of this.