Seklfreak / discord-image-downloader-go

A simple tool which downloads pictures posted in discord channels of your choice to a local folder.
MIT License
349 stars 91 forks source link

0 pictures downloaded and command in private chat not working #88

Closed IFN3T closed 5 years ago

smokeofc commented 6 years ago

Also having this problem.

ran it first to gen the config file, edited the file with user credentials, and put up a few channels under the [channels] section.

When launching it changes the playing state of the user to '0 pictures downloaded' but doesn't actually seem to download anything, nor does it respond to the commands 'help' or 'history'.

Kakkela commented 6 years ago

Could you show your interactive channels config

smokeofc commented 6 years ago

[auth] email = password =

[general] skip edits = true download tistory sites = false max download retries = 5 download timeout = 60 send notices to interactive channels = false

[channels] 324727917026213890 = G:\Discord\Test1 324727896340037653 = G:\Discord\Test2 358552198017318922 = G:\Discord\Test3

[flickr] api key = your flickr api key

[twitter] consumer key = your consumer key consumer secret = your consumer secret access token = your access token access token secret = your access token secret

Kakkela commented 6 years ago

Okay so with that kind of setup it won't respond to commands, only way to send commands to it is Interactive channels. It should download from the channels in your [channels] section though. If the account has permission to view the channels.

For help and history you need to follow these instructions:

By default, the tool only downloads new links posted while the tool is running. You can also set up the tool to download the complete history of a channel. To do this you have to run this tool with a separate discord account. Send your second account a dm on your primary account and get the channel id from the direct message channel. Now add this channel id to the config by adding the following lines:

[interactive channels]
<your channel id> = <some valid path>

After this is done restart the tool and send history as a DM to your second account. The bot will ask for the channel id of the channel you want to download and start the downloads. You can view all available commands by sending help.

Where do I get the channel id? Open discord in your browser and go to the channel you want to monitor. In your address bar should be a URL like The number after the last slash is the channel id, in this case, 5678. Or, enable Developer mode and right click the channel you need, and click Copy ID.

Note that you need to do the last part by logging into Discord with your downloader account and then open DM with your main account.

smokeofc commented 6 years ago

I have two accounts, one running the selfbot, one normal one. Sending the commands 'help' and 'history' to the selfbot account via DM doesn't give a response, and no downloading is happening as new posts are posted to the channels either.

Kakkela commented 6 years ago

Your configuration is not set to take commands via DM, you need the [interactive channels] section for it to work.

For not getting images from regular channels, make sure you have appropriate permissions to view those channels with your selfbot account. If bot does have access to that channel and you post image there it should show up on console window at least.

smokeofc commented 6 years ago

hmm... changed the config line [channels] to [interactive channels], now it started spouting some lines in the channels itself asking for me to confirm image downloads for new images... renaming it back again made it download new images without question... so new images seems to be working...

older images though, no matter what I do, I can't seem to get those started... As I understand it, I'm supposed to DM history to the selfbot acc, no matter if there's a [channels] or [interactive channels] part in the config, no commands are recognized, and no response comes from the selfbot...

Kakkela commented 6 years ago
email    = 
password =  

skip edits                           = false
download tistory sites               = true
max download retries                 = 5
download timeout                     = 60
send notices to interactive channels = true

[interactive channels]
<id> = <path>

<id> = <path>
<id> = <path>
<id> = <path>

So this ignoring the twitter and flickr parts and specific options i have set on [general], this is how your config should look like. The ID in interactive channels part should be the direct message ID from your selfbot account TO your main account. There's guide for obtaining that in my earlier reply. If you try to get this ID with right clicking user in DM list it isnt the correct ID. It need's to come from selfbot account side TO your main account side with the method descibed above.

smokeofc commented 6 years ago

2018-06-08 01_40_32-config ini - notepad This should match what you said, but it still doesn't do anything in DM.... (Didn't know what ID to use, as either side of the chat produces a different ID, so used each one by itself, and both as in the picture, with no result)

Makein commented 6 years ago

Same thing here...

Kakkela commented 6 years ago

And you are absolute sure those IDs are obtained with the URL method? If so there is no reason why that shouldn't work.

Makein commented 6 years ago

Yeah, browser url

Kakkela commented 6 years ago

We can take a look at it later tomorrow maybe.

smokeofc commented 6 years ago

well... fml... I got the ID by using dev mode (right-click, copy id)... getting it from the browser fixed my problem... sry bout the trouble... everything's ok now...

Makein commented 6 years ago

And I still not getting it.

IFN3T commented 6 years ago

after defined [interactive channels] it's working.


Makein commented 6 years ago

smokeofc helped me :+1:

smokeofc commented 6 years ago

OK, Makein found me on discord, so helped him out there. for future readers, here are some instructions:

  1. When you've downloaded the files, put the discord-image-downloader-go-windows-amd64.exe file in a folder, let's say 'C:\DiscordDL' for the purposes of this instruction, but you can choose your own location.
  2. You will see a command window open and close as it's generating a skeleton config file that you can use to config the selfbot. it will look like so:
    email    =
    password = your password

[general] skip edits = true download tistory sites = false max download retries = 5 download timeout = 60 send notices to interactive channels = false

[channels] channelid1 = C:\full\path\1 channelid2 = C:\full\path\2 channelid3 = C:\full\path\3

[flickr] api key = your flickr api key

[twitter] consumer key = your consumer key consumer secret = your consumer secret access token = your access token access token secret = your access token secret

change 'send notices to interactive channels = false' to 'send notices to interactive channels = true'
3. fill out your email and password.
4. Create a new section somewhere in the file with the heading [interactive channels], you need that to be able to 'chat' with your secondary account.
5. in a browser, open, and login with your secondary account.
6. You'll be in the DM view, open a chat with your main account, and you'll notice that the URL is something along the lines of
7. copy the last number from the url and paste it in the config file under [interactive channels], and add a location like so:

[interactive channels] 873685642264840742 = C:\DiscordDL\DM

8. now you're going to need the id of the channel you want to download from, the easiest way to do so is to enable developer mode. You can do so in either the main client or the browser view by going to the discord settings, under Appearance. After activating it, right click on the channel you want and select Copy ID.
9. Paste it under [channels], and include a download location, like so:

[channels] 232143587603644416 = C:\DiscordDL\Server\Channel

If you've done as instructed, when you write 'history' (without ') in a DM to your secondary account, you should get the following response:

Please tell me one or multiple Channel IDs (separated by commas) Please make sure the channels have been whitelisted before submitting.

Just paste a ID that's already listed under [channels] into the chat, and it should start downloading every image posted to that channel

If you leave the selfbot running, it will automatically download all new images added to all channels listed under [channels], and if you only want to launch it every now and then to update, it seems to ignore pictures that you've already downloaded, so just run the 'history' command again.

Your config.ini should look something like this when you're done:

[auth] email = password = super1337pw

[general] skip edits = true download tistory sites = false max download retries = 5 download timeout = 60 send notices to interactive channels = true

[interactive channels] 873685642264840742 = C:\DiscordDL\DM

[channels] 232143587603644416 = C:\DiscordDL\Server\Channel

[flickr] api key = your flickr api key

[twitter] consumer key = your consumer key consumer secret = your consumer secret access token = your access token access token secret = your access token secret

Hope this helps anyone still having trouble setuping this thing :)
I think this issue can be closed now.
YumekuiChaser commented 5 years ago

Hi, I have the same issue, I have done all mentioned before and still it does nothing :(

smokeofc commented 5 years ago

You'll prolly have to use login token instead of email and password these days, but the rest should work still, you sure you've followed my guide to the letter?

EvocativeOlash commented 5 years ago

smokeofc's explanation is much more clear than the one on the main page. Perhaps there's a language barrier, but I could only understand what to do after reading their explanation.


YumekuiChaser commented 5 years ago

No, I use mail and password and when I launch the command line says its logged as [my username] but when I use the history command it does nothing in the DM

JuanMaclaan commented 5 years ago

Thanks @smokeofc it worked 👍