Seldaek / slippy

HTML Presentations
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adding composer file to make slippy installable through composer #15

Closed dbu closed 10 years ago

dbu commented 10 years ago

would be helpful if we could install slippy through composer, even though its not reusable code in the current form.

dbu commented 10 years ago

please tell me if i missed anything in the composer file that you would want there.

my plan is for the symfony-cmf-website to put the slides source html into the repository, have slippy as dependency and define a composer task that is run on install / update and calls the CLI mode of slippy to compile all slides in our folder into the web folder. seems the easiest way to get this integrated in a symfony project.

Seldaek commented 10 years ago

OK, not sure I got the whole thing but sounds reasonably harmless to this repo anyway so no worries, if you can just fix the license I'll happily merge

dbu commented 10 years ago

ups, fixed the license. i hope that was the right one?

please also register the repo with packagist so i can use it - but you of all persons know that :-)

Seldaek commented 10 years ago

I believe that's the right one yes, thanks!

dbu commented 10 years ago

well thank you :-)

as you can see i still use slippy.