SeleniumHQ / docker-selenium

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[Security] Docker image use a Jetty version vulnerable to CVE-2017-7658 #843

Closed Yivan closed 5 years ago

Yivan commented 5 years ago


Docker image use a Jetty version vulnerable to CVE-2017-7658. Tested on: selenium/standalone-chrome-debug:3.14.0-helium

This is classified as critical one as it can lead to system penetration by using this vulnerability:

I think image should be updated to have a more recent version of Jetty which incorporate the fix.

Please find here a report by OpenVAS (Greenbone).:



barancev commented 5 years ago

3.14.0 is not the latest version of the image, more recent ones should contain jetty 9.4.12.

Yivan commented 5 years ago

Thanks @barancev for you fast answer! Helium version is just one month ago and CVE is from June 2018, so i was thinking the last one was maybe always impacted. I will try 3.141.59-antimony, and report result here.

Yivan commented 5 years ago

@barancev Just verified, i can confirm that 3.141.59-antimony is patched and has now Jetty 9.4.12:

By the way, the header send no more the exact version, it send "Jetty 9.4.z-SNAPSHOT", it is better from security perspective (but best should be no header at all).

So all is ok, I close the issue.