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Object Identification Issue: Ajax Wait timed out after 30000ms (Selenium IDE) #1350

Open LVTestNJ opened 2 years ago

LVTestNJ commented 2 years ago

🐛 Bug Report

Selenium IDE Is not able to identify the required object during the test run. However, the object is identified when we click on Find Target in page. Tried using the Assert Element Present and Wait For Element Present (60000 ms) and still facing the issue. Trying to automate Oracle Cloud.

This is the error :
Failed: 11:50:43 Ajax Wait timed out after 30000ms


Browser: Firefox Browser Version:98.0.1 (64-bit)

toddtarsi commented 2 years ago

@LVTestNJ - What is the selector you're using? Is there any chance that the css or whatever changes when you reload the page? You may need to use some wackadoodly xpath selector for something like this. Automating large third party systems is always a nightmare because there is so little control over what goes on.

LVTestNJ commented 2 years ago

@toddtarsi : I am fairly new to Selenium. What do you mean by selector? I looked at the Target and I see Id, Name, CSS : finder, X-Path atrributes, X-path :id relative, X-path position .

toddtarsi commented 2 years ago

Can you take a screencap of the command @LVTestNJ ?

LVTestNJ commented 2 years ago

@toddtarsi image

LVTestNJ commented 2 years ago

@toddtarsi : fails at step 25. but if I click on the Search to find target in page, it picks up the object! Phew

toddtarsi commented 2 years ago

Oh gosh, that is a heck of an ID. I'd be surprised if that ID worked on page refresh. Hm. I wonder if a character is being escaped or something in the playback command

LVTestNJ commented 2 years ago

@toddtarsi: wondering why this step fails when similar ones passed...Is there a way to add more attributes for object identification?

toddtarsi commented 2 years ago

@LVTestNJ - I would take some time to read about selectors here:

Using this stuff, you might be able to make a simpler or more resilient selector. I'm sorry this ID isn't working in playback. I think we only process strings that look like this asdf-${variable-escape-pattern}-ghjk, so I don't know why yours wouldn't be the same.

LVTestNJ commented 2 years ago

@toddtarsi : Thanks, that doc was helpful. Quiet a few fields with similar IDs - a good chunk of them identified and rest not! Maybe IDE is not a good solution for Oracle Fusion:(

toddtarsi commented 2 years ago

@LVTestNJ - That's a bummer to hear for me, but I want you to have the best testing experience possible, and if that isn't with the IDE, that's okay. For about the next 20 or so days, I'm really working on putting a beta out of the next major version. I am not going to close this issue or anything though. When things calm down, I will make a small webpage with an element with that id, and check to see if there is an issue in the way it processes these things. Hopefully one day I can solve this issue, and maybe you'll find your way back on a different project. 🙂

LVTestNJ commented 2 years ago

@toddtarsi--Bummer for me as well. I was really excited to play around with Selenium. I was tied to UFT for a while! I am going to spend some more time and see if anything else can be done! My idea was to start with IDE and eventually transition to Web Driver! I am sure you are going to solve the issue!!!!:). Appreciate your quick responses!