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[build] Add Bazel bidi flag #14083

Closed titusfortner closed 3 weeks ago

titusfortner commented 4 weeks ago

User description

I was going to just commit the Ruby pieces directly, but it doesn't really make sense to do that until we know how we are running the tests with Bazel.

So, I'm happy with the Ruby code, but I need feedback on the bazel toggle and how we want to start running both modes in our test suite


Motivation and Context

This matters as we start to implement Selenium features with both WebDriver classic and WebDriver bidi. We want to make sure that both modes continue to work for people.

PR Type

Enhancement, Tests


Changes walkthrough πŸ“

Relevant files
36 files
Add BiDi exclusive condition to ActionBuilder tests           

rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/action_builder_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `ActionBuilder` tests.
Add BiDi exclusive condition and modify after hook in BrowsingContext

  • Added exclusive condition for BiDi in BrowsingContext tests.
  • Modified after hook to reset driver based on example.
  • +2/-3     
    Add BiDi exclusive condition and refactor LogInspector tests

  • Added exclusive condition for BiDi in LogInspector tests.
  • Refactored tests to remove redundant reset_driver! calls.
  • +161/-185
    Add BiDi exclusive condition and modify Script tests         

  • Added exclusive condition for BiDi in Script tests.
  • Modified after hook to reset driver based on example.
  • Updated error message for removing non-existent handler.
  • +5/-6     
    Add BiDi exclusive condition and modify BiDi tests             

  • Added exclusive condition for BiDi in BiDi tests.
  • Modified after hook to reset driver based on example.
  • +3/-9     
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Chrome Driver tests           

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/chrome/driver_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Chrome::Driver` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Chrome Options tests         

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/chrome/options_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Chrome::Options` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Chrome Profile tests         

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/chrome/profile_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Chrome::Profile` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Chrome Service tests         

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/chrome/service_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Chrome::Service` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition and modify DevTools tests     

  • Added exclusive condition for BiDi in DevTools tests.
  • Modified after hook to reset driver based on example.
  • +3/-2     
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Driver tests                         

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/driver_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Driver` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Edge Driver tests               

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/edge/driver_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Edge::Driver` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Edge Options tests             

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/edge/options_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Edge::Options` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Edge Profile tests             

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/edge/profile_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Edge::Profile` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Edge Service tests             

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/edge/service_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Edge::Service` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Element tests                       

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/element_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Element` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Error tests                           

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/error_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Error` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Firefox Driver tests         

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/firefox/driver_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Firefox::Driver` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Firefox Profile tests       

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/firefox/profile_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Firefox::Profile` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Firefox Service tests       

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/firefox/service_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Firefox::Service` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Guards tests                         

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/guard_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Guards` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Listener tests                     

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/listener_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Listener` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Manager tests                       

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/manager_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Manager` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Navigation tests                 

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/navigation_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Navigation` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Remote Driver tests           

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/remote/driver_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Remote::Driver` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Remote Element tests         

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/remote/element_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Remote::Element` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Safari Driver tests           

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/safari/driver_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Safari::Driver` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Select tests                         

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/select_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Select` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to ShadowRoot tests                 

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/shadow_root_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `ShadowRoot` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to HasWebStorage tests           

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/storage_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `HasWebStorage` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition and refactor TakesScreenshot tests

  • Added exclusive condition for BiDi in TakesScreenshot tests.
  • Refactored after hook to remove redundant code.
  • +2/-4     
    Add BiDi exclusive condition and modify after hook in TargetLocator

  • Added exclusive condition for BiDi in TargetLocator tests.
  • Modified after hook to reset driver based on example.
  • +2/-2     
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Timeouts tests                     

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/timeout_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Timeouts` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to VirtualAuthenticator tests

  • Added exclusive condition for BiDi in VirtualAuthenticator tests.
  • +2/-1     
    Add BiDi exclusive condition to Window tests                         

    rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/window_spec.rb - Added exclusive condition for BiDi in `Window` tests.
    Add BiDi exclusive condition and refactor Zipper tests     

  • Added exclusive condition for BiDi in Zipper tests.
  • Refactored after hook to remove redundant code.
  • +2/-4     
    2 files
    Add BiDi condition to guards and modify after hook             

  • Added BiDi condition to guards.
  • Modified after hook to reset driver based on example.
  • +2/-1     
    Add BiDi condition to reset_driver and build_options         

  • Added BiDi condition to reset_driver! method.
  • Modified build_options to set web_socket_url based on environment
  • +10/-0   
    Configuration changes
    3 files
    Add BiDi condition to Bazel test configurations                   

    rb/spec/tests.bzl - Added BiDi condition to Bazel test configurations.
    Add BiDi flag alias to Bazel configuration                             

    .bazelrc - Added BiDi flag alias to Bazel configuration.
    Add BiDi flag and configuration settings to Bazel build   

    common/BUILD.bazel - Added BiDi flag and configuration settings.

    πŸ’‘ PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

    PR Review πŸ”

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 3, because the PR introduces a significant number of changes across multiple test files and configurations. The changes involve adding exclusive conditions for BiDi in various test files and modifying after hooks. Additionally, the Bazel configuration updates to include BiDi flags increase the complexity. Reviewing this PR requires a good understanding of the existing test suite and the implications of the BiDi feature on it.
    πŸ§ͺ Relevant tests Yes
    ⚑ Possible issues Possible Bug: The exclusive condition `{bidi: false, reason: 'Not yest implemented with BiDi'}` is used in multiple places. There's a typo in the word "yet". This should be corrected to maintain professionalism and clarity in the codebase.
    Redundancy Concern: The PR includes a lot of repetitive changes for adding BiDi exclusivity across various test files. It might be beneficial to abstract some of this functionality or configuration to reduce redundancy and improve maintainability.
    πŸ”’ Security concerns No
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

    PR Code Suggestions ✨

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Best practice
    Add a description to the bool_flag definition for clarity and consistency ___ **To ensure consistency and avoid potential issues, consider adding a description to the
    bool_flag definition for the bidi flag. This will help other developers understand its
    purpose.** [common/BUILD.bazel [29-32]]( ```diff bool_flag( name = "bidi", build_setting_default = False, + doc = "Flag to enable WebDriver BiDi support", ) ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Adding a description to the `bool_flag` definition is a best practice that aids in understanding the purpose of the flag, directly improving code documentation and clarity.
    Add an after block to reset or quit the log_inspector to prevent side effects between tests ___ **To ensure that the log_inspector is properly cleaned up after each test, consider adding
    an after block to reset or quit the log_inspector. This will help prevent any potential
    side effects between tests.** [rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/bidi/log_inspector_spec.rb [30]]( ```diff log_inspector = +after { log_inspector.quit } ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 5 Why: Adding an `after` block to clean up resources is a good practice, but the suggestion assumes `log_inspector` has a `quit` method which may not exist, hence the moderate score.
    Possible issue
    Add a timeout value to wait.until calls to make the tests more robust and provide clearer error messages ___ **To avoid potential issues with wait.until timing out, consider adding a timeout value to
    the wait.until calls. This will make the tests more robust and provide clearer error
    messages if the expected conditions are not met within the specified time.** [rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/bidi/log_inspector_spec.rb [35]]( ```diff -log_entry = wait.until { log_entries.find { _1.text == 'Hello, world!' } } +log_entry = wait.until(timeout: 10) { log_entries.find { _1.text == 'Hello, world!' } } ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Adding a timeout to `wait.until` calls is a good practice to avoid indefinite waiting and provide clearer error messages, enhancing test reliability.
    Group similar select statements together to improve readability and maintainability ___ **To improve readability and maintainability, consider grouping the select statements for
    similar configurations together. This will make it easier to understand the different
    configurations being applied.** [rb/spec/tests.bzl [33-38]]( ```diff }) | select({ "@selenium//common:use_webdriver_bidi": {"WEBDRIVER_BIDI": "true"}, - "//conditions:default": {}, + "@selenium//common:use_headless_browser": {"HEADLESS": "true"}, + "//conditions:default": {"NO_SANDBOX": "true"}, }) | select({ "@platforms//os:windows": {}, - "//conditions:default": {"NO_SANDBOX": "true"}, + "//conditions:default": {}, ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: The suggestion to group similar `select` statements is valid and would enhance readability and maintainability, but the exact improved code provided does not match the PR context perfectly.
    Extract repeated log entry attributes into a shared method or variable to reduce duplication ___ **To improve readability and maintainability, consider extracting the repeated log entry
    attributes into a shared method or variable. This will reduce duplication and make it
    easier to update the expected attributes in the future.** [rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/bidi/log_inspector_spec.rb [37-46]]( ```diff -expect(log_entry).to have_attributes( +expected_attributes = { text: 'Hello, world!', realm: nil, type: 'console', level: LogInspector::LOG_LEVEL[:INFO], method: 'log', args: [{ 'type' => 'string', 'value' => 'Hello, world!' }] -) +} +expect(log_entry).to have_attributes(expected_attributes) ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Extracting repeated attributes into a shared method or variable reduces code duplication and improves maintainability, though it's not a critical change.
    Correct a typo in the reason for the exclusive flag ___ **The reason for the exclusive flag contains a typo: "Not yest implemented with BiDi". It
    should be corrected to "Not yet implemented with BiDi".** [rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/target_locator_spec.rb [24]]( ```diff -describe TargetLocator, exclusive: {bidi: false, reason: 'Not yest implemented with BiDi'} do +describe TargetLocator, exclusive: {bidi: false, reason: 'Not yet implemented with BiDi'} do ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: The suggestion correctly identifies and fixes a typo in the code, which improves code clarity and professionalism.
    Place the new bidi flag alias in alphabetical order for better readability ___ **To maintain alphabetical order and improve readability, consider placing the new bidi flag
    alias in the correct position relative to the existing flag aliases.** [.bazelrc [18-20]]( ```diff +build --flag_alias=bidi=//common:bidi +build --flag_alias=headless=//common:headless build --flag_alias=pin_browsers=//common:pin_browsers -build --flag_alias=headless=//common:headless -build --flag_alias=bidi=//common:bidi ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Maintaining alphabetical order for flag aliases improves readability and maintainability, though it's a minor enhancement in the context of the entire project.
    Add a guard clause to the reset_driver! method to check if the driver is already reset, improving performance ___ **To avoid potential issues with the reset_driver! method being called unnecessarily,
    consider adding a guard clause to check if the driver is already reset. This will improve
    performance and prevent redundant operations.** [rb/spec/integration/selenium/webdriver/spec_support/test_environment.rb [74-76]]( ```diff +return if driver_already_reset? quit_driver sleep time driver_instance(**opts, &block) ```
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 4 Why: Adding a guard clause to check if the driver is already reset could improve performance, but the suggestion lacks context on how `driver_already_reset?` would be implemented or if it's feasible.
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 4 weeks ago

    CI Failure Feedback 🧐

    (Checks updated until commit

    **Action:** Format / Check format script run
    **Failed stage:** [Run Bazel]( [❌]
    **Failed test name:** it 'is skipped without provided reason', exclusive: {foo: true}
    **Failure summary:** The action failed because the test it 'is skipped without provided reason', exclusive: {foo: true}
    The failure occurred due to an expectation mismatch in the guards.disposition value.
    Relevant error logs: ```yaml 1: ##[group]Operating System 2: Ubuntu ... 975: Package 'php-symfony-debug-bundle' is not installed, so not removed 976: Package 'php-symfony-dependency-injection' is not installed, so not removed 977: Package 'php-symfony-deprecation-contracts' is not installed, so not removed 978: Package 'php-symfony-discord-notifier' is not installed, so not removed 979: Package 'php-symfony-doctrine-bridge' is not installed, so not removed 980: Package 'php-symfony-doctrine-messenger' is not installed, so not removed 981: Package 'php-symfony-dom-crawler' is not installed, so not removed 982: Package 'php-symfony-dotenv' is not installed, so not removed 983: Package 'php-symfony-error-handler' is not installed, so not removed ... 1800: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/io/exec.js 7ms (unchanged) 1801: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/io/index.js 15ms (unchanged) 1802: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/io/zip.js 11ms (unchanged) 1803: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/jsdoc_conf.json 3ms (unchanged) 1804: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/lib/atoms/make-atoms-module.js 2ms (unchanged) 1805: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/lib/by.js 18ms (unchanged) 1806: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/lib/capabilities.js 15ms (unchanged) 1807: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/lib/command.js 9ms (unchanged) 1808: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/lib/error.js 30ms (unchanged) ... 1879: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/http/util_test.js 11ms (unchanged) 1880: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/ie/options_test.js 7ms (unchanged) 1881: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/io/io_test.js 29ms (unchanged) 1882: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/io/zip_test.js 17ms (unchanged) 1883: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/lib/api_test.js 4ms (unchanged) 1884: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/lib/by_test.js 12ms (unchanged) 1885: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/lib/capabilities_test.js 14ms (unchanged) 1886: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/lib/credentials_test.js 12ms (unchanged) 1887: ../../../../../../../../../work/selenium/selenium/javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/lib/error_test.js 16ms (unchanged) ... 2224: @@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ module Selenium 2225: guards = 2226: guards.add_condition(:foo, false) 2227: - expect(guards.disposition).to eq [:pending, 'Test guarded; Guarded by {:foo=>false, :reason=>"No reason given"};'] 2228: + expect(guards.disposition).to eq [:pending, 2229: + 'Test guarded; Guarded by {:foo=>false, :reason=>"No reason given"};'] 2230: end 2231: it 'is skipped without provided reason', exclusive: {foo: true} do |example| 2232: ##[error]Process completed with exit code 1. ```

    ✨ CI feedback usage guide:
    The CI feedback tool (`/checks)` automatically triggers when a PR has a failed check. The tool analyzes the failed checks and provides several feedbacks: - Failed stage - Failed test name - Failure summary - Relevant error logs In addition to being automatically triggered, the tool can also be invoked manually by commenting on a PR: ``` /checks "{repo_name}/actions/runs/{run_number}/job/{job_number}" ``` where `{repo_name}` is the name of the repository, `{run_number}` is the run number of the failed check, and `{job_number}` is the job number of the failed check. #### Configuration options - `enable_auto_checks_feedback` - if set to true, the tool will automatically provide feedback when a check is failed. Default is true. - `excluded_checks_list` - a list of checks to exclude from the feedback, for example: ["check1", "check2"]. Default is an empty list. - `enable_help_text` - if set to true, the tool will provide a help message with the feedback. Default is true. - `persistent_comment` - if set to true, the tool will overwrite a previous checks comment with the new feedback. Default is true. - `final_update_message` - if `persistent_comment` is true and updating a previous checks message, the tool will also create a new message: "Persistent checks updated to latest commit". Default is true. See more information about the `checks` tool in the [docs](
    titusfortner commented 4 weeks ago

    this should be good now. Looks much better, thanks