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[java][grid]: video file name set independently in dynamic grid via se:videoName #14148

Closed VietND96 closed 1 week ago

VietND96 commented 1 week ago

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Motivation and Context

This is an improvement of

In dynamic grid, whenever capability se:name (which shows a test name instead of the session ID in the Grid UI) is set via binding, it is also used to set the output video record file name.

To solve a requirement is

People are setting the cap se:name. However, they don't want this name to be set to a video record file. Or they want an option to control the video record file name independently from the test name shown in the Grid UI.

Capability se:videoName will be used to set video record file name independently. If the capability se:videoName is not set, the se:name is still being used to set for the video record (without regression broken in part of #13907).

For example:

from import Options as ChromeOptions
from selenium import webdriver

options = ChromeOptions()
options.set_capability('se:recordVideo', True)
options.set_capability('se:screenResolution', '1920x1080')
options.set_capability('se:name', 'test_visit_basic_auth_secured_page (ChromeTests)')
options.set_capability('se:videoName', 'video')
driver = webdriver.Remote(options=options, command_executor="http://localhost:4444")

After a test is executed, under /assets you can see the video file name under /<sessionId>/video.mp4

Types of changes


PR Type



Changes walkthrough πŸ“

Relevant files
Support independent video file naming via `se:videoName` capability.

  • Added logic to set video file name independently using se:videoName
  • Fallback to se:name capability if se:videoName is not provided.
  • Refactored method to generalize capability name retrieval for video
    file naming.
  • +12/-4   

    πŸ’‘ PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 week ago

    PR Reviewer Guide πŸ”

    ⏱️ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 2
    πŸ§ͺ Relevant tests No
    πŸ”’ Security concerns No
    ⚑ Key issues to review Possible Bug:
    The method getVideoFileName is used to fetch both se:videoName and se:name capabilities. However, the method name suggests it is specifically for getting video file names. Consider renaming the method to reflect its generalized use, such as getCapabilityAsString.
    Code Duplication:
    The logic for sanitizing the name string is duplicated in the getVideoFileName method. Consider extracting this logic into a separate method to improve code maintainability and reduce duplication.
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 1 week ago

    PR Code Suggestions ✨

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Combine the Optional checks for videoName and testName into a single statement ___ **Combine the two Optional checks for videoName and testName into a single statement to
    simplify the code and reduce redundancy.** [java/src/org/openqa/selenium/grid/node/docker/ [376-383]]( ```diff -Optional videoName = - ofNullable(getVideoFileName(sessionRequestCapabilities, "se:videoName")); -if (videoName.isPresent()) { - envVars.put("SE_VIDEO_FILE_NAME", String.format("%s.mp4", videoName.get())); -} else { - Optional testName = - ofNullable(getVideoFileName(sessionRequestCapabilities, "se:name")); - testName.ifPresent(name -> envVars.put("SE_VIDEO_FILE_NAME", String.format("%s.mp4", name))); -} +Optional videoName = ofNullable(getVideoFileName(sessionRequestCapabilities, "se:videoName")) + .or(() -> ofNullable(getVideoFileName(sessionRequestCapabilities, "se:name"))); +videoName.ifPresent(name -> envVars.put("SE_VIDEO_FILE_NAME", String.format("%s.mp4", name))); ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: This suggestion correctly identifies a way to simplify the code by combining two `Optional` checks into one, reducing redundancy and improving readability.
    Possible bug
    Add a null check for sessionRequestCapabilities before accessing its capabilities ___ **Add a null check for sessionRequestCapabilities before calling getCapability to prevent
    potential NullPointerException.** [java/src/org/openqa/selenium/grid/node/docker/ [389-390]]( ```diff +if (sessionRequestCapabilities == null) { + return null; +} Optional testName = ofNullable(sessionRequestCapabilities.getCapability(capabilityName)); ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Adding a null check is a good practice to prevent `NullPointerException`, especially when dealing with external inputs or configurations. This suggestion enhances the robustness of the code.
    Use a constant for the video file extension to improve maintainability ___ **Use a constant for the video file extension to avoid hardcoding the ".mp4" string multiple
    times, which improves maintainability.** [java/src/org/openqa/selenium/grid/node/docker/ [379-383]]( ```diff -envVars.put("SE_VIDEO_FILE_NAME", String.format("%s.mp4", videoName.get())); -testName.ifPresent(name -> envVars.put("SE_VIDEO_FILE_NAME", String.format("%s.mp4", name))); +final String VIDEO_FILE_EXTENSION = ".mp4"; +envVars.put("SE_VIDEO_FILE_NAME", String.format("%s" + VIDEO_FILE_EXTENSION, videoName.get())); +testName.ifPresent(name -> envVars.put("SE_VIDEO_FILE_NAME", String.format("%s" + VIDEO_FILE_EXTENSION, name))); ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Using a constant for repeated string literals like file extensions can improve maintainability and make future changes easier. This suggestion is valid and applicable to the new code in the PR.