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[js + bazel]: Run Node browser tests on the RBE #14194

Closed shs96c closed 2 days ago

shs96c commented 3 days ago

PR Type

Enhancement, Tests, Configuration changes

Changes walkthrough ๐Ÿ“

Relevant files
1 files
Remove trailing whitespace in ``         

java/test/org/openqa/selenium/bidi/browsingcontext/ - Removed trailing whitespace.
57 files
Add ESLint directive in `pinnedScript.js`                               

javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/lib/pinnedScript.js - Added ESLint directive to disable the next line.
Update import paths in `httpserver.js`                                     

javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/lib/test/httpserver.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
Update import paths in `index.js`                                               

javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/lib/test/index.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
Enhance resource location with Bazel runfiles                       

  • Added @bazel/runfiles import.
  • Updated locate function to use runfiles.
  • +12/-3   
    Update import paths in `actions_test.js`                                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/actions_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `add_intercept_parameters_test.js`

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/add_intercept_parameters_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `bidi_session_test.js`                       

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/bidi_session_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `bidi_test.js`                                       

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/bidi_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `browser_test.js`                                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/browser_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `browsingcontext_inspector_test.js`

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/browsingcontext_inspector_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `browsingcontext_test.js`                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/browsingcontext_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `input_test.js`                                     

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/input_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `local_value_test.js`                         

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/local_value_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `locate_nodes_test.js`                       

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/locate_nodes_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `log_inspector_test.js`                     

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/log_inspector_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `network_commands_test.js`               

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/network_commands_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `network_test.js`                                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/network_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `script_test.js`                                   

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/script_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `setFiles_command_test.js`               

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/setFiles_command_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `storage_test.js`                                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/bidi/storage_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `builder_test.js`                                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/builder_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `devtools_test.js`                               

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/chrome/devtools_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `options_test.js`                                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/chrome/options_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `permission_test.js`                           

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/chrome/permission_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `service_test.js`                                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/chrome/service_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `cookie_test.js`                                   

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/cookie_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `devtools_test.js`                               

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/devtools_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `options_test.js`                                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/edge/options_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `service_test.js`                                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/edge/service_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `elementAccessibleName_test.js`     

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/elementAccessibleName_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `elementAriaRole_test.js`                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/elementAriaRole_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `element_finding_test.js`                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/element_finding_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `execute_script_test.js`                   

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/execute_script_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `addon_test.js`                                     

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/firefox/addon_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `contextSwitching_test.js`               

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/firefox/contextSwitching_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `full_page_screenshot_test.js`       

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/firefox/full_page_screenshot_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `options_test.js`                                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/firefox/options_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `frame_test.js`                                     

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/frame_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `http_test.js`                                       

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/http/http_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `util_test.js`                                       

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/http/util_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `options_test.js`                                 

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/ie/options_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `api_test.js`                                         

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/lib/api_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `capabilities_test.js`                       

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/lib/capabilities_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `form_submit_test.js`                         

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/lib/form_submit_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `webdriver_script_test.js`               

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/lib/webdriver_script_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `page_loading_test.js`                       

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/page_loading_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `print_pdf_test.js`                             

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/print_pdf_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `proxy_test.js`                                     

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/proxy_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `rect_test.js`                                       

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/rect_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `remote_test.js`                                   

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/remote_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `safari_test.js`                                   

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/safari_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `select_test.js`                                   

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/select_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `stale_element_test.js`                     

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/stale_element_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `upload_test.js`                                   

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/upload_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `virtualAuthenticator_test.js`       

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/virtualAuthenticator_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `webComponent_test.js`                       

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/webComponent_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.
    Update import paths in `window_test.js`                                   

    javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/window_test.js - Updated import paths to use `selenium-webdriver` package.

    ๐Ÿ’ก PR-Agent usage: Comment /help on the PR to get a list of all available PR-Agent tools and their descriptions

    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 2 days ago

    PR Reviewer Guide ๐Ÿ”

    โฑ๏ธ Estimated effort to review [1-5] 4
    ๐Ÿงช Relevant tests No
    ๐Ÿ”’ Security concerns No
    โšก Key issues to review Possible Bug:
    The changes in resources.js introduce a new way to handle file paths using runfiles.resolve(filePath). This could potentially change the behavior of the exports.locate function, especially if the runfiles.resolve fails and falls through to the error. It's important to ensure that this new approach does not break existing functionality or introduce path resolution issues in different environments.
    Refactoring Needed:
    The PR includes changes to import paths across multiple test files, changing them from relative to absolute imports using the 'selenium-webdriver' package. This is a significant change that could impact how modules are resolved and loaded. Thorough testing is needed to ensure that these changes do not affect the functionality of the tests and that all modules are correctly located and loaded in all supported environments.
    codiumai-pr-agent-pro[bot] commented 2 days ago

    PR Code Suggestions โœจ

    CategorySuggestion                                                                                                                                    Score
    Reduce code duplication by extracting browser setup logic into a separate function ___ **Extract the repeated logic for setting up browser services and options into a separate
    function to reduce code duplication and improve maintainability.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/testing/index.js [297-308]]( ```diff -if ('SE_CHROMEDRIVER' in process.env) { - const found = locate(process.env.SE_CHROMEDRIVER) - const service = new chrome.ServiceBuilder(found) - builder.setChromeService(service) +function setupBrowser(browserName, envVars, builder) { + if (envVars.driver in process.env) { + const found = locate(process.env[envVars.driver]) + const service = new browserName.ServiceBuilder(found) + builder[`set${browserName}Service`](service) + } + if (envVars.binary in process.env) { + const binary = locate(process.env[envVars.binary]) + const options = new browserName.Options() + options.setBinary(binary) + options.setAcceptInsecureCerts(true) + options.addArguments('disable-infobars', 'disable-breakpad', 'disable-dev-shm-usage', 'no-sandbox') + builder[`set${browserName}Options`](options) + } } -if ('SE_CHROME' in process.env) { - const binary = locate(process.env.SE_CHROME) - const options = new chrome.Options() - options.setChromeBinaryPath(binary) - options.setAcceptInsecureCerts(true) - options.addArguments('disable-infobars', 'disable-breakpad', 'disable-dev-shm-usage', 'no-sandbox') - builder.setChromeOptions(options) -} +setupBrowser(chrome, { driver: 'SE_CHROMEDRIVER', binary: 'SE_CHROME' }, builder); ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: This suggestion significantly improves maintainability by reducing code duplication and encapsulating the browser setup logic into a reusable function. It addresses a major concern in terms of code maintainability.
    Reduce the number of import statements by using destructuring ___ **Consider destructuring the selenium-webdriver imports to maintain consistency and reduce
    the number of import statements.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/chrome/permission_test.js [21-24]]( ```diff -const chrome = require('selenium-webdriver/chrome') -const { Browser } = require('selenium-webdriver/index') +const { chrome, Browser } = require('selenium-webdriver') ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: The suggestion improves code maintainability by reducing the number of import statements, making the code cleaner and more consistent.
    Combine similar imports into a single line for better readability ___ **Combine similar imports from 'selenium-webdriver' into a single line to improve code
    readability.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/edge/options_test.js [22-23]]( ```diff -const edge = require('selenium-webdriver/edge') -const symbols = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/symbols') +const { edge, symbols } = require('selenium-webdriver') ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Combining similar imports into a single line improves code readability and maintainability, making it easier to manage.
    Verify the necessity of the "supports-color" dependency and remove if not needed ___ **Ensure that the newly added dependency "supports-color" is necessary for the project. If
    it is not explicitly required, consider removing it to keep the package lightweight and to
    reduce the potential attack surface.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/package.json [50]]( ```diff -"supports-color": "^9.4.0" +"" ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: Ensuring that all dependencies are necessary helps keep the package lightweight and reduces the potential attack surface. This suggestion is good for maintainability but requires verification of the dependency's necessity.
    Best practice
    Add a resolution strategy to handle version conflicts and ensure dependency consistency ___ **Consider adding a resolution strategy in the package.json for handling potential version
    conflicts among dependencies, especially since multiple new dependencies with broad
    version ranges are being introduced.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/package.json [25-29]]( ```diff "dependencies": { - "@bazel/runfiles": "^5.8.1", - "jszip": "^3.10.1", - "tmp": "^0.2.3", - "ws": "^8.17.1" + "@bazel/runfiles": "5.8.1", + "jszip": "3.10.1", + "tmp": "0.2.3", + "ws": "8.17.1" +}, +"resolutions": { + "@bazel/runfiles": "5.8.1", + "jszip": "3.10.1", + "tmp": "0.2.3", + "ws": "8.17.1" } ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 9 Why: Adding a resolution strategy can help manage potential version conflicts among dependencies, ensuring consistency and stability in the project. This is a proactive approach to dependency management.
    Pin the version of "@bazel/runfiles" to a specific version for more reliable builds ___ **Consider pinning the version of "@bazel/runfiles" to a specific version rather than using
    a version range. This can help ensure consistent builds and avoid potential issues with
    automatic updates that might introduce breaking changes.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/package.json [26]]( ```diff -"@bazel/runfiles": "^5.8.1", +"@bazel/runfiles": "5.8.1", ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Pinning the version of "@bazel/runfiles" can help ensure consistent builds and avoid potential issues with automatic updates that might introduce breaking changes. This is a best practice for maintaining stability.
    Simplify module imports by using consistent and less deep path references ___ **Use consistent import paths for modules from 'selenium-webdriver', avoiding deep path
    references where possible.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/http/http_test.js [24-25]]( ```diff -const HttpClient = require('selenium-webdriver/http').HttpClient -const HttpRequest = require('selenium-webdriver/lib/http').Request +const { HttpClient, HttpRequest } = require('selenium-webdriver/http') ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: This suggestion enhances code readability and maintainability by avoiding deep path references, which is a good practice.
    Improve error message readability by using template literals ___ **Use template literals for error messages to improve readability and maintainability.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/testing/index.js [565]]( ```diff -throw new Error('Unable to locate (no repo mapping file): ' + fileLike) +throw new Error(`Unable to locate (no repo mapping file): ${fileLike}`) ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Using template literals for error messages enhances readability and maintainability. This is a good practice but is a minor improvement in the context of the overall code.
    Use more descriptive variable names to enhance code clarity ___ **Consider using a more descriptive variable name than `found` to enhance code clarity.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/testing/index.js [298-300]]( ```diff -const found = locate(process.env.SE_CHROMEDRIVER) -const service = new chrome.ServiceBuilder(found) +const chromeDriverPath = locate(process.env.SE_CHROMEDRIVER) +const service = new chrome.ServiceBuilder(chromeDriverPath) builder.setChromeService(service) ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: More descriptive variable names improve code clarity and readability. This is a minor enhancement but contributes positively to the codebase.
    Use shallower paths for module imports to enhance manageability and cleanliness of code ___ **Avoid using deep paths for importing modules to make the import statements cleaner and
    more manageable.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/test/devtools_test.js [23]]( ```diff -const { HttpResponse } = require('selenium-webdriver/devtools/networkinterceptor') +const { HttpResponse } = require('selenium-webdriver/devtools') ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Using shallower paths for imports makes the code cleaner and more manageable, though the improvement is relatively minor.
    Add visibility attribute to js_library rule ___ **Consider adding a visibility attribute to the js_library rule to restrict or allow access
    as needed. This helps in managing package accessibility across different parts of the
    Bazel build environment.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/BUILD.bazel [119-124]]( ```diff js_library( name = "node_modules/@bazel/runfiles", srcs = glob([ "test/**/*_test.js", ]), deps = [ ":node_modules/@bazel/runfiles", ], + visibility = ["//visibility:public"] ) ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 6 Why: Adding a visibility attribute is a best practice for managing package accessibility in Bazel, but it is not crucial for the functionality of the code.
    Possible issue
    Ensure version consistency in the dependency specifier ___ **Ensure that the version specifier for @bazel/runfiles is consistent with the version
    number. The specifier uses a caret (^), which allows minor updates, but the version is
    specified exactly as 5.8.1. If the intention is to allow minor updates, the version should
    also reflect this flexibility.** [pnpm-lock.yaml [101-103]]( ```diff '@bazel/runfiles': specifier: ^5.8.1 - version: 5.8.1 + version: ^5.8.1 ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: The suggestion addresses a potential issue with version consistency, which can prevent unexpected behavior during dependency resolution. This is important for maintaining a stable build environment.
    Review the necessity of adding supports-color@9.4.0 to multiple dependencies ___ **The addition of supports-color@9.4.0 to various dependencies should be reviewed for
    necessity and potential version conflicts, especially since it is added globally to many
    packages. This could lead to dependency resolution issues if different packages require
    different versions of supports-color.** [pnpm-lock.yaml [122]]( ```diff -eslint: 9.5.0(supports-color@9.4.0) +eslint: 9.5.0 ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: The suggestion highlights a potential issue with adding the same dependency version across multiple packages, which could lead to conflicts. This is a valid concern for dependency management.
    Check and pin the version of "sinon" to ensure compatibility with the project's existing dependencies ___ **Review the version constraints for all newly added dependencies to ensure they are
    compatible with the existing ecosystem of the project, particularly focusing on "sinon"
    which has a major version update.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/package.json [49]]( ```diff -"sinon": "^17.0.1", +"sinon": "17.0.1", ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 8 Why: Pinning the version of "sinon" can help avoid compatibility issues with the project's existing dependencies, especially since it involves a major version update. This is important for maintaining compatibility.
    Improve code readability by using destructuring for environment variables ___ **Consider using destructuring for the process.env object to make the code cleaner and more
    readable.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/testing/index.js [297-300]]( ```diff -if ('SE_CHROMEDRIVER' in process.env) { - const found = locate(process.env.SE_CHROMEDRIVER) +const { SE_CHROMEDRIVER } = process.env; +if (SE_CHROMEDRIVER) { + const found = locate(SE_CHROMEDRIVER) const service = new chrome.ServiceBuilder(found) builder.setChromeService(service) } ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 7 Why: The suggestion improves code readability and maintainability by using destructuring, which is a cleaner approach. However, the improvement is minor and does not address any critical issues.
    Possible bug
    Verify the definition and accessibility of the BROWSERS dictionary ___ **Ensure that the BROWSERS dictionary is properly defined and accessible in the scope where
    it's used, as it's critical for the configuration of environment variables and additional
    data in the mocha_test rules.** [javascript/node/selenium-webdriver/BUILD.bazel [171-174]]( ```diff +# Ensure BROWSERS is defined and accessible ] + BROWSERS[browser]["data"], env = { "SELENIUM_BROWSER": browser, } | BROWSERS[browser]["env"], ``` - [ ] **Apply this suggestion**
    Suggestion importance[1-10]: 5 Why: The suggestion is valid but somewhat redundant, as the usage of `BROWSERS` in the code implies it is already defined and accessible. It is more of a reminder than a necessary change.