Self-Evident / OneFileCMS

A single file cms - all in one file!
165 stars 57 forks source link

Further development of OFCMS #2

Closed codeless closed 12 years ago

codeless commented 12 years ago

Hello Self-Evident!

I would be interested in further development of OFCMS. Can i use GNU make and other Linux tools for this job or would this result in problems regarding your site? From the code, i believe you're developing on MS Windows machines? Hopefully we find some tools we can use together to make OFCMS easier to maintain.

Greetings, Codeless

Self-Evident commented 12 years ago

Hello Codeless,

Thanks for the interest. Yes, you can use your Linux based tools if you like. While I do use Windows (generally, but not exclusively), I don't think it should be a problem. Since OneFileCMS is just a text file, it's only an issue of \n -vs- \r\n (LF -vs- CR & LF), and the editor I use can handle either case. I may go ahead and set it to use LF only by default, as that would remove the difference.

On a side note, I am currently without Internet access at my house, so I'm often off line for a day or more sometimes. (I "visiting" my sister's house now...). That means I may not be able to respond to issues etc. right away.

What ideas do you have for the project? Just curious if you have some specific ideas, or if you've noticed some issues,etc.

Thanks again for the interest!

codeless commented 12 years ago

Well, i have some concrete ideas:

It's cool when i can use my Linux tools. Most of these tools will run with Cygwin under MS Windows too.

Happy Developing!

Self-Evident commented 12 years ago

Hello again,

And sorry for the delayed response.  Still without Internet, which is likely to be the case for a while.  So, in the meantime, my sis get's to have me visit several times a week...

Anyway, I reviewed your coded changes, and it wasn't drastic, and looks fine.  I had to close the pull request, as I had commited other changes before I noticed your request.  So, if you'd like, you can submit a new pull request using the current OneFileCMS version as a base, if you'd like to be in the git history.  Or, I also can just merge the updates myself (which I've already done on my local machine).

As for some of your other ideas, I have a couple of questions. (Not in any particular order of importance.)

1)What exactly do you mean by "Responsive HTML"?  I understand that different devices (PC -vs smart phone, etc..) have different abilities.  What I've tried to do is keep the OneFile display very basic and simple. But I don't have access to non-PC devices for testing.

2)How do you envision multi-language support?  I considered having any text replaced with variables that could be defined by language specific files.  But, that's all in my head right now (which often fosters grand ideas, that have little to do with reality..) The primary key, of course, is to keep an actual "installed" & running copy of OFCMS, well, one file.

3)I have to admit, I know nothing of a Yahoo framework, what it is, or how it would work.  Any quick run-downs on it?  The only thing a quick Google found was something called Mojito.

4)As for coding guidelines, since OFCMS is a relatively small project - which is one of its goals (which I probably should indicate somewhere), I've kinda just done what I felt like. Sometimes I didn't like how some code was written, so I told my self to reqrite it. Sometimes I did, othertimes I just told my self to get over it... Anyway, I do appreciate, and understand the benefit of, a certain level of consistancy in coding practices. However, other than using the current code base as a point of reference, I'd have to really think about how I'd specify actual guidelines.  Hmm...  thinking hurts... Unless you have some specific questions or concerns about the current code base, just use that as a loose guideline.

Well, I've rambled enough for the moment.

David (aka Self-Evident)

codeless commented 12 years ago

Hello David!

1) Yes, exactly. By Responsive HTML i mean that OFCMS can get controlled via different devices and different screen-resolutions. This doesn't enforce OFCMS to become a multi-file-CMS! It can be done by simply embedding a matching stylesheet and by embedding or probably hotlinking a JavaScript file.

2) When OFCMS does support configuration files, it would be easy to support multiple-languages. My idea is, that OFCMS per default includes english language, but the user can enforce another language by passing a configuration file to OFCMS. This configuration file will hold the language strings.

3) I've already made example code for this that i still have to test. It doesn't support HTML-embedded-JavaScript yet...

4) Ok. My opinion still is, that If OFCMS would follow some Coding guidelines and would get documented in Doxygen-manner, it would result in a cleaner script.

Well, the words will get followed by some pull-requests!

Greetings, Codeless

Self-Evident commented 12 years ago

Finaly got a chance to get online & take care of some things, such as OFCMS.  For instnace, commited you config file code.  However,  I had to manually merge the pull request due to some conflict.  I'm not sure what it was - git really gets to me sometimes... :)  In anycase, it's there now.

On the multi-language topic, unless you already have, or otherwise have specific ideas on how to, I'll work on preparing OFCMS for multi-language support.   Also, Github indicates you're from Austria - so is it safe to assume that you will translate for Austrian?

On an almost completely unrelated topic, I visited Europe in the late '80's, including Austria.  Well, I think I went thru Austria.  I know we visited the Bodensee, but I don't remember which side.  I did travel thru Lichstenstien, so it could have been that side.  Or maybe my hosts said, "see that across the water, that's Austria."...  


David (aka: Self-Evident)

----- Original Message ----- From: codeless Sent: 07/02/12 12:38 AM To: Self-Evident Subject: Re: [OneFileCMS] Further development of OFCMS (#2)

Hello David!

1) Yes, exactly. By Responsive HTML i mean that OFCMS can get controlled via different devices and different screen-resolutions. This doesn't enforce OFCMS to become a multi-file-CMS! It can be done by simply embedding a matching stylesheet and by embedding or probably hotlinking a JavaScript file.

2) When OFCMS does support configuration files, it would be easy to support multiple-languages. My idea is, that OFCMS per default includes english language, but the user can enforce another language by passing a configuration file to OFCMS. This configuration file will hold the language strings.

3) I've already made example code for this that i still have to test. It doesn't support HTML-embedded-JavaScript yet...

4) Ok. My opinion still is, that If OFCMS would follow some Coding guidelines and would get documented in Doxygen-manner, it would result in a cleaner script.

Well, the words will get followed by some pull-requests!

Greetings, Codeless

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codeless commented 12 years ago

Hello again and thanks for the commit!

About multi-language support: i have a specific idea on how to do it, but i've not yet started to implement it. The idea is to include english text-output within OFCMS per default, but each string/message that is output is defined as an variable. Now a user of OFCMS can redefine those variables inside the external configuration file. What do you think?

Since i'm working on an (external) WYSIWYG-editor for OFCMS, i would be glad if you could implement the multi-language support.

By the way: It is safe to assume that i will translate to german -- or if you want: de_at ;)

P.S.: Well, i hope you enjoyed your stay in Austria! Austria is splitted into nine states. When at Bodensee, you probably visited the state Voralberg which is the far west. I live in the far east in the state called Lower Austria. Where do you come from?