SelfExplainML / PiML-Toolbox

PiML (Python Interpretable Machine Learning) toolbox for model development & diagnostics
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Full Sklearn pipeline as External Model #53

Open jp-varela opened 4 months ago

jp-varela commented 4 months ago

Hello, I am trying to register a custom sklearn in a PiML experience, but I am getting this error: File "/tmp/ipykernel_35500/", line 76, in objective exp.register(piml_pipeline, "pipeline") File "piml/", line 2691, in piml.api.Experiment.register File "piml/workflow/", line 61, in piml.workflow.model_train_api.ModelAPI.register_model File "piml/workflow/", line 123, in piml.workflow.pipeline.ModelPipeline.get_data ValueError: could not convert string to float: 'DUMMY STR'

It seems like the get_data expect the input data to be preprocessed, however all my preprocessing steps are included in the sklearn pipeline. I want to have the entire pipeline as single object as I am going to test multiple pipelines with distinct preprocessing methods. The point here seems to be that the is a categorical column, that should be a problem I think.

Here is the code I used:

  # Define model
  model_pipeline = Pipeline([("model", CatBoostClassifier(verbose=0, cat_features=cat_features_idxs))])

  pre_processing_pipeline = Pipeline([
            ('numerical_imputer', SimpleImputer(missing_values=np.nan, strategy='mean'), NUMERICAL_COLS),
            ('categorical_imputer', SimpleImputer(missing_values=None, strategy='most_frequent'), CATEGORICAL_COLS)

  # Concat Pipelines
  pipeline = Pipeline([
      ('pre_processing', pre_processing_pipeline),
      ('model', model_pipeline)

    # Fit the pipeline, predict and evaluate, y_train_)

    exp = Experiment()
    piml_pipeline = exp.make_pipeline(pipeline, task_type="classification", train_x=X_train_, train_y=y_train_, test_x=X_val_, test_y=y_val_)
    exp.register(piml_pipeline, "pipeline")

Is there a way for me to make it work? Thanks 😄

ZebinYang commented 4 months ago

Hi @jp-varela

The issue is not likely related to Sklearn's pipeline. Basically, any form of models can be wrapped and registered into piml, see the example here

The current version of PiML still assumes the data is float or integer. If the data has string values, you need to convert it to float or integer before registering it into PiML.