SelfhostedPro / yacht-nuxt

Yacht rewrite in nuxt utilizing typescript.
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default setup no user setup possible #5

Open SkalCore opened 2 months ago

SkalCore commented 2 months ago

ok I wanted to test the alpha, but ran into the problem that I could not create a user. Checked the config and data folders for permissions. Everything was ok. It helped to set auth to false in config.yml. This at least gave me a first overview.

Here is my docker compose.yml:

version: "3.3"
    container_name: yacht-alpha
      - 3008:3000
      - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock
      - /share/docker/yacht_alpha:/config # for yacht config directory
      - /share/docker/yacht_alpha/data:/data # for yacht project/data directory
    driver: bridge
    external: true
    name: docker_default
dbroome1978 commented 1 month ago

I'm having the same issue

brando56894 commented 6 days ago

It's a known issue. I brought it up as well a few months back and SHP said they'll get to it eventually, they're busy with other projects at the moment. Not sure where the bug report went though...IIRC it will work on Firefox and non-Chromium based browsers.