SelinaDev / Godot-Roguelike-Tutorial

Yet Another Roguelike Tutorial in Godot
MIT License
78 stars 10 forks source link

Misc feedback #3

Closed thedyze closed 8 months ago

thedyze commented 8 months ago

Since there's no Discussions enabled I hope it's ok to leave some general feedback here. First up, really appreciate this series, learned so much! So really wondering if blog posts for part 10-12 is coming in the near future? If you plan to further add to the series, some topics I'd be very interested in:

I've implemented hold to move several steps with a simple global 'MovementTimer' that starts on key press, stops after 0.2s. Performs a move if the timer is stopped. Simple yet effective. Smooth movement using tweening I've however not been so successful with. That would be really nice to have a tutorial for!

Thanks again for the work you've put in!

SelinaDev commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your feedback!

Thank you for your suggestion for the Discussions section for the repo, I have enabled them now (i was unaware of this option).

To answer your first question: Due to some life circumstances I've had either little time or motivation to actually do work on my computer during the last weeks/months. However, I am still woking on the tutorial. I have started working on the writeup for part 10. However, I cannot predict how fast I can upload more tutorials.

It's a big project, and with all these delays I look forward to reaching the goal of completing the series. However, there are other projects in my backlog, so I'll probably let this rest for a while, once I have finished part 13, and achieved pairity with the python tutorial.

I have to say I do like your suggestions, and would love to see them included in such a tutorial eventually. I'll keep them in mind for any future work on the project. There are two (still vague) ideas for this. First, I might revisit this project for a future "r/roguelikedev does the complete roguelike tutorial". Second, there has been more interest in this project than I have imagined, so I am thinking about whether an open-source spin off (i.e., a tutorial series created and expanded by a community) would work. Still, I have to think about that a bit more.

thedyze commented 8 months ago

Totally understand, life must come first :). But I really appreciate all the work you've put in so far! The amount of information on roguelikes in Godot (especially v4) is quite limited, so this is really valuable.

Looking forward to future blogs/tutorial sections, whenever they may come.

mappes commented 8 months ago

@SelinaDev I wanna thank you for this tutorial as well. You've done great work so far. Even though the tutorial is not yet finished it has helped me a lot with starting my own roguelike project. For example I managed to implement the equipment part from the original Python tutorial on top of your tutorial.

And like @thedyze said there ain't too much other roguelike resources based on Godot.

Pastque commented 7 months ago

Simple yet effective. Smooth movement using tweening I've however not been so successful with. That would be really nice to have a tutorial for!

Thanks again for the work you've put in!

I have a change that enables tween movement, and I hope it helps

-> ""

var grid_position: Vector2i:
        grid_position = value
        if is_inside_tree():
            var tween = create_tween().set_ease(Tween.EASE_OUT)
            tween.tween_property(self, "position", Vector2(Grid.grid_to_world(grid_position)), 0.3)
        else :
            position = Grid.grid_to_world(grid_position)