Selsion / DSPSeedScanner

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Number and colours of giants per seeds #5

Open Larandar opened 8 months ago

Larandar commented 8 months ago

Hello, I made a Jupyter notebook that allow for cross referencing seed list easily (hosted on Google Colab)

One of the thing I would have like is the number of each giants color per seeds (because the acheivement require a red giants but I would like to have at least 1 blue giant, ideally 2). I will skip the rant but my personal search space is START_NEARBY_HIGH_LUMI_64 with START_3_MOONS in my notebook, and there is no SEEDS_RAINBOW_GIANTS that match those criteria.

At the same time, the UM veins would be great to have all the seed with 20+ rather than only the 26 as more of a sorting criteria (since 26 is only 0.01% of the seed, with compound search it's almost impossible to find it)

If you update the seed list since for the dark fog update, or think of more seed list that could be useful feel free to copy or link my notebook so others can easily find something for themselves.