SemBioProcess / SemGen

A tool for semantics-based annotation and composition of biosimulation models
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Integration with ontology lookup service #324

Closed matthiaskoenig closed 2 years ago

matthiaskoenig commented 5 years ago

Currently, only a very limited set of ontologies is supported in SemGen. It should be possible to directly use the content of the ontology lookup service (OLS,

maxneal commented 5 years ago

Historically, the main motivation behind SemGen's development has been to recognize when two models simulate the same biological feature. We have therefore intentionally limited the knowledge resources that can be used to annotate a model in SemGen in order to promote consistency between annotators and help ensure that two different annotators, when annotating the same biological feature, converge on an annotation that uses the same reference terms. That being said, we do in fact support access to ChEBI and GO (via BioPortal). Here's the list of ontologies users can access for different types of annotations or annotation components in SemGen:

Singular annotations (limited to ontologies that represent physical properties):

Composite annotation: physical property component (high-level physical properties)

Composite annotations physical entity component (physical continuants)

Composite annotations physical process component

We've found that the ontologies listed here provide adequate coverage for annotating the biological concepts within the scores of test models we have annotated.

Hopefully this is helpful. What reference terms from KEGG or Reactome do you need that aren't provided by the resources listed above?

matthiaskoenig commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. I mainly use CHEBI, no need for KEGG and Reactome, just see this in many models. So if I understand it correctly, I have to build a composite annotation to use CHEBI. I will try this and give you feedback if things are unclear.

maxneal commented 5 years ago

Correct: ChEBI can be accessed when a composite annotation is created for a property of a physical entity (as opposed to properties of physical processes, physical forces, or physical dependencies). This is because every term in ChEBI is a physical entity (AKA continuant).

Example of using ChEBI in a composite for a model variable that represents cytosolic calcium concentration in a cardiomyocyte: OPB:Chemical concentration ChEBI:calcium(2+) FMA:Portion of cytosol FMA:Cardiac myocyte

To build this composite, open a model in an Annotator Tab, select a codeword on the left-hand side. In the upper right dialog (blue background), select "Chemical concentration (OPB)" in the first drop-down list under "Composite annotation". Then you should see a second drop-down list below "property_of". To the right of it are a bunch of icons. Click on the binoculars to search for a knowledge resource term. This will bring up a search dialog where you can select ChEBI from the top drop-down list and perform string searches over that ontology.

I have also seen KEGG and Reactome used in some BioModels. It's unclear to me why those are used. Maybe Reactome terms are primarily used for model-level annotations (like if you wanted to indicate that ModelX as a whole simulates some pathway represented in Reactome.)