Sema4AI / vscode-extension extension for VS Code: AI Actions and Automation development for Python
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Provide a way to do a manual build for an environment given its conda.yaml #30

Open kariharju opened 1 month ago

kariharju commented 1 month ago

Issue by fabioz Tuesday Mar 14, 2023 at 10:46 GMT Originally opened as

One action that I sometimes miss (but do not know where exactly to put it) would be a "build / rebuild the robot environment". The environment builds automatic triggering is quite good but there are cases where I'd like the control. Editing conda.yaml ..oops made a typo > cancel back to editing conda.yaml -> here before jumping back to .robot code I'd like to trigger the env. build manually and stay in that "mental context"

kariharju commented 1 month ago

Comment by fabioz Tuesday Mar 14, 2023 at 10:49 GMT

Could be done as: