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Import RIC-O 1.0 ontology #11

Open stephenhart8 opened 10 months ago

stephenhart8 commented 10 months ago

RIC-O 1.0 has finally been released. This ontology, which is used to describe archive collections, could be useful for certain projects.

Find current version here: Import last current version in OntoME.

MPica commented 10 months ago

I used my script to diagnose the transformation, and it spotted several properties that are not in the XML schema. image

@perrauda, @valamercery, I need instructions for each:

Property Example To Do Status
owl:disjointWith rico:Person a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "An individual human being."@en ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Agent ;
owl:disjointWith :Position .
Import by using built-in class relation owl:disjointWith Reviewed. Awaiting schema.
rico:hasOrHadSpouse a owl:ObjectProperty ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf rico:hasFamilyAssociationWith ;
owl:propertyChainAxiom ( rico:thingIsConnectedToRelation rico:spouseRelation_role rico:relationConnects ) .
OWL2 deprecated property. Axioms aren't supported in OntoME. Do not import. Reviewed. Done.
skos:changeNote rico:height a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:comment "Vertical dimension of an entity."@en ;
skos:changeNote [ dc:date "2023-11-02" ; rdf:value "Added a new rdfs:label in Spanish."@en ] .
This property is only used for the purposes of administration and maintenance. Do not import. Reviewed. Done.
skos:example rico:instantiationExtent a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:label "mesure de l’instanciation"@fr ;
skos:example "234 linear metres"@en, "Size of PDF file: 1.5 MB"@en.
already in schema needs to be made operational in the transformation
Info : the script has never needed to deal with skos:example but it is already in the XML schema, so no decision is actually needed here.
rico:isFunctionallyEquivalentTo a owl:ObjectProperty;
rico:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent """RiC-R035 ('is functionally equivalent to' relation)"""@en .
Used to map RiC-O and RiC-CM. Do not import. Reviewed. Done.
Info on rico:RICCMCorrespondingComponent :
:RiCCMCorrespondingComponent a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:label "RiC-CM corresponding component"@en,
"composant correspondant dans RiC-CM"@fr ;
rdfs:comment """When it exists, specifies the identifier and name of RiC-CM component that corresponds to the annotated class or property."""@en ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:comment .
rico:closeTo rico:Proxy a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment """A Proxy represents (stands for) a Record Resource as it exists in a specific Record Set."""@en ;
rico:closeTo "ORE Proxy ("@en .
Used to map RiC-O and other ontologies. Do not import. Reviewed. Done.
Info on rico:closeTo :
:closeTo a owl:AnnotationProperty ;
rdfs:label "close to"@en,
"proche de"@fr ;
rdfs:comment """An annotation property for recording a possible mapping to a component in another model or ontology"""@en ;
rdfs:isDefinedBy <> ;
rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:comment .

Edit : Example column added.


Here are the current transformations in my script. Basically, {"transformed destination": [list of original predicates to transform]}.

valamercery commented 10 months ago

Can you give some examples?

MPica commented 10 months ago

I removed the images and put examples in TTL to be more concise.

MPica commented 10 months ago

Another thing to tackle: a few rdf:type objects the script doesn't know yet:

data type documentation destination data type or property
voaf:Vocabulary Ontology metadata.
<> a voaf:Vocabulary,
owl:Ontology .
Indicates that RiC-O is a vocabulary as defined by VOAF. Do not import.
owl:AnnotationProperty Ontology metadata.
dc:title a owl:AnnotationProperty .
dcterms:abstract a owl:AnnotationProperty .
dcterms:contributor a owl:AnnotationProperty .
Type of string. Do not import.
owl:NamedIndividual ric-rst:Collection a owl:NamedIndividual,
rico:RecordSetType ;
rdfs:label "collection"@en, "collection"@fr ;
Controlled vocabulary instance. Out of scope. Do not import.
owl:ReflexiveProperty rico:authorshipRelation_role a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:ReflexiveProperty ;
rdfs:label "has the role of the Authorship Relation"@en ;
rdfs:comment """Connects a AuthorshipRelation to itself. It is a reflexive property, that can stand for an instance of the class when necessary, e.g. when you explore a knowledge graph."""@en ;
Not supported in OntoME. Do not import.
owl:SymmetricProperty :hasOrHadCorrespondent a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:SymmetricProperty ;
rdfs:comment """Connects two Persons that correspond or have corresponded with each other. This relation is symmetric."""@en ;
Not supported in OntoME. Do not import.
owl:TransitiveProperty rico:hasAncestor a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment """Inverse of 'has descendant' object property. This is atransitive relation."""@en ;
rdfs:domain rico:Person ;
rdfs:range rico:Person .
Not supported in OntoME. Do not import.
skos:Concept ric-dft:AuthorityRecord a owl:NamedIndividual,
rico:DocumentaryFormType .
Controlled vocabulary instance. Out of scope. Do not import.
skos:ConceptScheme <> a owl:NamedIndividual,
skos:ConceptScheme ;
rdfs:label "Record Set Types"@en,
"Types d’ensembles d’objets informationnels"@fr .
Controlled vocabulary instance. Out of scope. Do not import.
rico:DocumentaryFormType rico:DocumentaryFormType a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment """Categorization of a Record or Record Part with respect to its extrinsic and intrinsic elements that together communicate its content, administrative and documentary context, and authority."""@en .

ric-dft:AuthorityRecord a owl:NamedIndividual,
rico:DocumentaryFormType ;
skos:definition """This category can be used for records that describe an entity."""@en .
RiC-O class to import like others. Do not import its instances (cf here).
rico:RecordSetType rico:RecordSetType a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Type d’ensemble d’objets informationnels"@fr ;
rdfs:subClassOf :Type .

ric-rst:Collection a owl:NamedIndividual,
rico:RecordSetType .
RiC-O class to import like others. Do not import its instances (cf here).
As of now, we have: data type destination data type
rdf:Class Class
owl:Class Class
owl:ObjectProperty Property
owl:DatatypeProperty Property
rdfs:Property Property
valamercery commented 9 months ago

I've completed the tables, please check.

To integrate RiC-O in the classes tree, add rico:Thing as subclassOf owl:Thing.

An open question: how to treat rdfs:literal? crm:E59 Primitive Value?

MPica commented 9 months ago

Thank you! I am only missing one thing about rico:DocumentaryFormType and rico:RecordSetType: how do I import it when it is the type of another Class?

valamercery commented 9 months ago

These are two classes in the ontology, only their instances are types and therefore do not need to be imported.

MPica commented 8 months ago

Noted, thank you! I'll get back to it now and close the issue when I'm sure there are no more new things to discuss.

valamercery commented 8 months ago

RiC-O v1.0 has been released, @MPica you can proceed.

valamercery commented 8 months ago

An open question: how to treat rdfs:literal? crm:E59 Primitive Value?

On reflection, this would mean integrating RiC-O into the CIDOC CRM conceptual framework, which is not relevant. Two other options: add rdfs:literal as an equivalent class in RiC-O or, and this is perhaps the least worst solution, add it to OntoME internal model (like owl:Thing).

@atterebf @stephenhart8 Any ideas?

valamercery commented 6 months ago

Example of a property having rdfs:literal as range: rico:thing rico:generalDescription rdfs:literal

valamercery commented 6 months ago

Decision: add the rdfs namespace to OntoME with the literal class and use it as reference namespace of RiC-O.