Semantic-Org / Semantic-UI

Semantic is a UI component framework based around useful principles from natural language.
MIT License
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1.0 Progress Report #691

Closed jlukic closed 9 years ago

jlukic commented 10 years ago

I thought I'd give everyone a heads-up on features left to be complete for 1.0. There's been a lot of progress but there are still lots of things to do. Some of these were originally roadmapped for 1.x and 2.0 but i've included them here for posterity.

It turns out I've ended up writing a few new (useful) components based on user requests but this has created more overhead for "getting everything in".

That being said I'm extremely pleased with the progress so far. I just wanted to be transparent for those wondering about a release date.

Requires CSS Variables (0)

All components complete!

Requires Documentation (1)

These components require new docs to be written

The following tasks have been moved to after launch

Undocumented Components (6)

These components require new docs to be written

jlukic commented 10 years ago

The rate of progress should increase significantly now, I have moved to working full time on Semantic UI for the indefinite future.

jdiaz5513 commented 10 years ago

Exciting progress! I might be able to use Semantic for a major UI project if 1.0 hits soon enough. Keep it up! :+1:

adis-me commented 10 years ago

@jlukic that is good news. Keep up the nice work.

jlukic commented 10 years ago

I'm curious what everyone thinks about adjusting the docs layout to include a more in-depth table of contents.

Do you find this layout more distracting or useful?

Another option is off-canvas right

williamkhshea commented 10 years ago

@jlukic That is useful, and it would be great if you can make the items collapsible.

tmikaeld commented 10 years ago

This is great news!

And yes, the off-canvas right was better, more focus on the content than on navigation.

Making them collapsible might be a good idea, but when i tried it quickly in the console it lagged a LOT when hiding many sections, it would make the docs slower to load.

kajronny commented 10 years ago

What a great framework. A lot easier to create complex forms with working validation. Try that in the div-sea of Bootstrap without breaking the layout somehow....after 3 days I gave up. But here everything just works, this is hands down the smartest css framework I have seen so far. Keep up the good work, a lot of people are gonna love this when they discover it.

jwarnes commented 10 years ago

1.0 can't come soon enough! Keep up the great work.

jlukic commented 10 years ago

In order to continue to add transparency, I'll try to keep a list of my current tasks for the project here as well, so not such visible work can be made more transparent

Todo Checklist for Week of August 24th

Bug Fixes
















Form / Input / Dropdown

Form Validation



New Code





Progress Bar

Dropdown menu content










J5lx commented 10 years ago

Regarding the ToC: Basically I would like to have it more detailed, but looking at it’s length in the screenshots you posted you should definitely not make it fixed like Bootstrap’s ToCs – I never see their last entries which was very annoying when I was still using Bootstrap:

(The last entry is "Wells")

BTW, I like Semantic’s docs so much more than Bootstrap’s – thank you for this!

jlukic commented 10 years ago

Reports from for Week of September 1st

I've spent this week diligently working on a ui sidebar rewrite, which has gone much slower than expected. There are several difficulties with doing a sidebar menu decently.

The first is the rigid page structure required to make one work, requiring a user to set-up their page around initializing a sidebar menu isn't ideal, yet its nearly required to not have to do animations directly on the page body, and to include faster animations using transform: translate3d() which must occur in tandem on the page body and sidebar.

The second issue is the unusual behavior with 3D CSS transitions, making sure two separate animations occur in tandem can often be difficult when there are so many possible variations in reflows between browsers, especially mobile which was the intended use-case for most sidebars to begin with!

The third issue is trying to come up with an adequate solve for the issues with position: fixed when used inside a css tranform which creates a new coordinate context, breaking any "sticky menus" etc.

I'm coming out the other end, and will continue with the checklist from last week for the beginning of next week. Slight delays, but with constant work and improvements none-the-less!

yilativ commented 10 years ago

Keep up the good work! Thank you

jlukic commented 10 years ago

Reports for Week of September 7th

My aim for this week and next week is to wrap up all essential bug fixes, and enhancements for 1.0 release. I'm hoping for a hard cut off date of September 19th, two weeks from now, on new features and major refactoring of components.

I will then swap over to working on doc features essential for 1.0, starting with "customize/download" page, fixed sidebar navigation for UI docs using the new ui sticky module, better localization tools (testing automation using Transifex Live). After that will begin work on the two necessary stand-alone sites for 1.0, a theme site for submitting/uploading user themes, and a second site for hosting all the new documentation.

Projected 1.0 launch is looking like October realistically.

Todo Checklist for This Week

Bug Fixes



New Code


Dropdown menu content

Progress Bar



Low Priority










iBotPeaches commented 10 years ago

Does the Menu refactor "Consider table-cell for horizontal menu" include having support for collapsing menus at mobile breakpoints? I believe it was touched on in #157, but that was back in the 0.x and 1.0 split. So not sure where it fits in now.

QWp6t commented 10 years ago

I think as part of a refactoring of the Grid, you should consider that some grids have gutters but not all grids have gutters.This is accomplished vertically with fitted grid, but it still has horizontal gutters. A variation on gutters is also somewhat implicitly acknowledged with nods to cell padding for tables. I think expressly articulating the role that gutters play in a grid system is something that should be added to the definition of a Grid for SUI 1.0, and classes for completely removing the gutters should be added to the framework.

Note that I haven't actually used SUI yet; I've been waiting for the 1.0 release. This suggestion is based on what I've seen in the docs.

--Unrelated-- @iBotPeaches I recognize you from XDA. I haven't done Android development in a couple years, but I still just wanted to say thanks for all the hard work you do on APKTool.

hustcer commented 10 years ago

Great work ! And hope we can have a flat metro style theme. Thanks.

jlukic commented 10 years ago

@QWp6t The beta grid now is fitted on all sides by default, with variations for padded vertically padded horizontally and padded (both)

New docs up with a much larger explanation of grid usage:

Still planning on adding word order dependency (added), and maybe push/pull classes, but otherwise getting closer to gold for 1.0

CoolGoose commented 10 years ago

Is there a chance to have landscape phone / tablet grids ? With the abundance of "phablets" or better said 5in + mobile phones, a lot of users use them in landscape mode, but because they're using a 3x scale factor, most of the full hd or higher respod to 640px resolution.

Maybe at least have a phone landscape = tablet portrait using the orientation media query ?

wriver4 commented 10 years ago

@jlukic good job on the grid explanation

jlukic commented 10 years ago

Reports for Week of September 22nd

Last Weeks Changes


Added in live translated versions of Semantic UI docs by integrating Transifex i18n tools.

If you are interested in translating Semantic UI 1.0 into your language please get in contact. We have a full translation center now, including support for translating strings in-place inside the website, so everything should be really simple, we just need more people to help.

Docs Changes

I've added a sticky side menu which should help make it easier to browse element definitions. It's a sticky accordion menu which uses the visibility API, so was a great test for a lot on using a lot of component overlap.

You can now link directly to individual definitions, just click on the menu bar link.

I've also been trying to proof-read and update the images and examples across all definitions, but this is coming in piecemeal on an as-i-catch-it basis. If you see any issues in docs please let me know.

UI Changes

Too many changes to mention everything, but here are some exciting new things:


Item View





Coming Up This Week

Last friday was suppose to be the last day for me to be working on base styles for 1.0 but i've moved the deadline to this week as final.


I'm starting with a blank slate on menu, and trying a full rewrite. Basically menu was never careful enough with the inheritance on .item meaning ui list and ui dropdown were inheriting some styles they shouldnt have when included inside menus.

The "basic" version of menu might also be too styled, causing a lot of other menu types to have to 'cancel out' styles inherited from the base menu.

I am toying with the idea of changing ui menu from 0.x.x into ui navigation menu and keeping ui menu a very bare bones version of a menu, without so much formatting. This would help with the inheritance issues, and also allow for easier theming.

If you have any thoughts on this please be sure to respond here.

Progress Bars

I need to add more content to progress bar elements, and simple behaviors for setting width and showing progress. I might push this back if I run into issues with meeting deadlines.

LarsBuur commented 10 years ago

It is great that you keep us updated. Please keep up you good work on this fantastic project.

jlukic commented 10 years ago

Updates from this week, progress bars are completed.

They can handle

I finished a first pass on the homepage that was good enough to put up.

If you have any suggestions or feedback on whats missing or what sounds funny, let me know.

davidsalazar commented 10 years ago

Looks good. The sidebar doesn't work on mobile safari and chrome on my iPad. Latest versions of course. Really looking forward to the download build tool. I take it thats a low priority at the moment?

KelseyDH commented 10 years ago

Does have a "kitchen sink" type page (e.g. ) where all of the varied components can be displayed together at once?

Given people's attention span's, I think a "money shot" page like this is critical for quickly conveying the value of the framework to interested or curious developers.

jlukic commented 9 years ago

Reports from Week of September 29th

Lots of cycling around the library this week.

Docs Changes

Code Changes

@small       : 0.9285em; /* 13px or 14/13 */

More things that fell through the cracks, but these are what I can gleam from reviewing the commits.

jlukic commented 9 years ago

I'm currently restructuring the project to include separate repos for each component, more comprehensible theming structure, Gulpfile support, and much more. #1168

Will have results in next couple days along with a general status report in this thread.

yilativ commented 9 years ago

Very very exciting!! Keep up the good work!

mzbyszynski commented 9 years ago

Hi @jlukic, before reading your comments here and in #1168 I was thinking of writing a Gulp plugin that would take a configuration object or file that would let the user specify the paths to the module(s) and theme that you wanted to use, and the path to the override less files and handle the less compilation and packaging (and concatenate the required *.js as well I suppose). That way a project that was using semantic could leave the semantic files where they were installed by bower (or whatever), and the customized .less override files could be somewhere else, like in a src/ or app/ directory or where ever they wanted and the plugin would take care of it. Is that what you meant by "Gulpfile support"?

jlukic commented 9 years ago

Yeah, I wasnt hearing back from anyone specifically that they started working on some of these features, so deadlines pushed me to begin on my own iteration.

I'm moving the config over today from a static json config, to an interactive config on first launch (if json isnt defined) with Inquirer. This would only occur if no config was defined, and would allow directory set-up, and writing important variables to site.config like @fontSize @pageFont @headerFont etc. Working on that today.

mzbyszynski commented 9 years ago

Sorry I didn't reply sooner, but sounds like the right approach to me! :+1: The interactive config is a great idea. I'll definitely test that as soon as you think it is ready.

jlukic commented 9 years ago

Cheers, that would be very useful.

Have to build a lot of maintainer tasks too, like pushing each definition to a separate repos for bower, this might turn into a weekend task as well.

whitelynx commented 9 years ago

One thing I've seen done for bower support is just pushing to separate branches instead of separate repos. (for instance, angular-ui-ace uses a bower branch, so you install it using bower install angular-ui-ace#bower)

jlukic commented 9 years ago

Project restructuring is now in 1.0 branch, docs will follow shortly for now you can find out info in the readme.

semantic.config is now themes.config and build settings are now stored in semantic.json in the project root.

dyu commented 9 years ago

On Tue, Oct 21, 2014 at 4:28 AM, Jack Lukic wrote:

Project restructuring is now in 1.0 branch, docs will follow shortly.

Tried to build 1.0 ($ gulp) and got: Cannot read property 'clean' of undefined

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

When the cat is away, the mouse is alone.

cloud-walker commented 9 years ago

+1 for gulp!

tpanum commented 9 years ago

@dyu : Rename semantic.json.example to semantic.json

jlukic commented 9 years ago

@dyu If you repull do you still have this issue? Did the install work correctly?

jlukic commented 9 years ago

@dyu As of a second ago you can now run gulp watch and gulp build even without running gulp install, it will just run with defaults. 483ba73247e87c500f8cab1ca4b76566aca524f6

dyu commented 9 years ago

On Wed, Oct 22, 2014 at 12:47 AM, Jack Lukic wrote:

@dyu As of a second ago you can now run gulp watch and gulp build even without running install, it will just run with defaults. 483ba73

gulp install/watch/build now works. Thanks!

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

When the cat is away, the mouse is alone.

BenevidesLecontes commented 9 years ago

I get this errors running gulp Error: Cannot find module 'gulp-help' at Function.Module._resolveFilename (module.js:338:15) at Function.Module._load (module.js:280:25) at Module.require (module.js:364:17) at require (module.js:380:17) at Object. (/Users/chissanga/Semantic-UI-1.0/gulpfile.js:12:18) at Module._compile (module.js:456:26) at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:474:10) at Module.load (module.js:356:32) at Function.Module._load (module.js:312:12) at Module.require (module.js:364:17)

LarsBuur commented 9 years ago

@Benevides - I had the same problem. I fixed it by changing the branch to 1.0 - like

git clone --branch 1.0
jlukic commented 9 years ago

Hey guys, just checking in to let everyone know 1.0 launch will (most likely) be next Friday.

If anyone has some time, I could definitely use proof-readers for things being written on just remember be gentle, writing is hard.

Also if anyone has ideas for humorous statements for the homepage on learnsemantic I'd like to have it rotate out

I.e. beginners guide: Do Gulp and Grunt sound like descriptions from an elementary school lunch room? experts: guide: Have you been making websites since XSLT was more popular than CSS?

muppetjones commented 9 years ago

I'm having the same problem as @BenevidesLecontes , and the solution posted by @LarsBuur did not solve the problem. Update: That problem is solved. Unfortunately, I can't seem to get Semantic working at all now. I'm extremely confused about where certain folders and files are supposed to be. For instance, I cannot find a grunt config file, and the theme directory in dist only contains assets, which doesn't seem correct according to

For now, I'll just go back to 0.9. I'm assuming it'll all be explained once the documentation is update. Can't wait!

jlukic commented 9 years ago

@muppetjones I didn't even notice the outdated getting started was still in the repo. I updated the to correspond with current docs.

I recommend checking out for further resources. I'm writing docs as I get the chance.