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Add support for DataTypeProperties #157

Closed JohannesLipp closed 3 years ago

JohannesLipp commented 3 years ago

We need support for datatype properties, which allow the user to add simple datatypes to classes.

ObjectProperty (already in place) = Links one class (node) to another. DatatypeProperty (not existing yet) = Adds a list of simple datatypes to a class.

  1. Please add support for the XSD built-in datatypes, from which the user could choose from a dropdown field with autosuggest as depicted in this screenshot: image

    Please include the all built-in types from "anyType" down to "unsignedBte/IDREFS", but only skip the white "all complex types" for now.

  2. Please update the export serialization by the following.

    • Add these new things to the export via owl:DatatypeProperty instead of owl:ObjectProperty
    • Set the rdfs:range to the datatype the user chose, i.e., etc.
JohannesLipp commented 3 years ago
JohannesLipp commented 3 years ago
alihussainiam commented 3 years ago

New issue have arisen which needs to be addressed separately that is: