SemanticComputing / sampo-ui

Sampo-UI – A framework for building user interfaces for semantic portals
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Sampo on Virtuoso KG #61

Open FPannach opened 2 months ago

FPannach commented 2 months ago


we are running our KG on Virtuoso and I am trying to set up a sampo app for us. I followed the tutorial and watched the video, but my queries do not seem to go through to the frontend. The endpoint is set up correctly, I get the right number of instances in the perspective, but nothing else. I set up the endpoint for Yasgui, and there the queries work and I get the right results.

Now I noticed in the video, around 18:55, Heikki says something along the lines that it is easy to set up the queries for Virtuoso, but unfortunately I cannot hear the rest of the sentence properly.

I currently have just two properties and one facet, the standard ones from the tutorial: "properties": [ { "id": "prefLabel", "valueType": "object", "makeLink": true, "externalLink": true, "sortValues": true, "numberedList": false, "onlyOnInstancePage": true }, { "id": "uri", "valueType": "object", "makeLink": true, "externalLink": true, "sortValues": true, "numberedList": false, "onlyOnInstancePage": true } ], "facets": { "prefLabel": { "containerClass": "one", "facetType": "text", "filterType": "textFilter", "sortByPredicate": "skos:prefLabel", "textQueryProperty": "skos:prefLabel" }

The table head is also empty, despite having specified the properties: grafik

`const perspectiveID = 'perspective1'

export const workProperties = ` { ?id skos:prefLabel ?prefLabelid BIND(?prefLabelid AS ?prefLabelprefLabel) BIND(CONCAT("/${perspectiveID}/page/", REPLACE(STR(?id), "^.*\\/(.+)", "$1")) AS ?prefLabeldataProviderUrl) BIND(?id as ?uriid) BIND(?id as ?uridataProviderUrl) BIND(?id as ?uri__prefLabel) } ``

Any help would be very much appreciated.