I am not sure why I got this yesterday night on "sandbox.s-mw.o" while running "rebuildData.php" since there was not editing activity for two days. Also there was no activity in the repo. I must however note that the wiki lost connection to the database a couple of times during the night, so it may be related and a false alarm.
PHP Fatal error: Access level to SCI\DataValues\ResourceIdentifierStringValue::getPreferredCaption() must be public (as in class SMWDataValue) in /.../w/extensions/SemanticCite/src/DataValues/ResourceIdentifierStringValue.php on line 124
I am not sure why I got this yesterday night on "sandbox.s-mw.o" while running "rebuildData.php" since there was not editing activity for two days. Also there was no activity in the repo. I must however note that the wiki lost connection to the database a couple of times during the night, so it may be related and a false alarm.