SemanticMediaWiki / SemanticScribunto

Provides service functions to support the Scribunto extension
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Not working with MW 1.42 #95

Closed keepersdungeon closed 2 months ago

keepersdungeon commented 2 months ago

Setup and configuration


SSC doesn't seem to work with MW1.42 when upgrading. SMW alone seems fine but when I enable SSC and re-update MW doesn't load up

harugon commented 2 months ago

I am also facing the same issue

It seems that the fix provided in PR #94 has not been included in a release yet. Could you please create a new release that includes this fix? This would greatly help those of us who are upgrading to MediaWiki 1.42.

Thank you for your hard work and support!

Best regards,

tr1age commented 2 months ago

In the same boat. Scribunto Works. SMW works Enable SemanticScribunto and Fatal error: Uncaught UnexpectedValueException: callback 'SemanticScribunto::initExtension' is not callable in /home/u641889600/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/u641889600/domains/ ExtensionRegistry->exportExtractedData() #1 /home/u641889600/domains/ ExtensionRegistry->loadFromQueue() #2 /home/u641889600/domains/ require_once('/home/u64188960...') #3 /home/u641889600/domains/ require('/home/u64188960...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/u641889600/domains/ on line 559

oetterer commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the reports. I look into it. Unfortunately, I first need to fix ci.

oetterer commented 2 months ago

commit e06b9033cc875668eb6353ecaac87ff8177a1b85 should address the mentioned issues, SSC version 2.3.0 now works with MW core 1.39+.

BUT: SMW itself currently has problems with core 1.42. See SemanticMediaWiki/SemanticMediaWiki#5634

tr1age commented 2 months ago

Did you add this to core? Thank you got such a quick turn around!

oetterer commented 2 months ago

@tr1age sry, meant to say that SemanticMediawiki apparently runs into database problems on MediaWiki 1.42 and 1.43. And these problems also affect SemanticScribunto, since this extension relies on SMW to function.

tr1age commented 2 months ago

@oetterer Oh, crap. Yeah my issue is it says I have pygments installed but then it does nothing. I did get Scribunto to run with my own edits. But I am not sure it is doing anything.

oetterer commented 2 months ago

if possible, I would suggest to stay at mediawiki 1.41, or better yet use the current LTS 1.39. SMW and SSC do work with these version.

tr1age commented 2 months ago

image This is where I am at. We just started using Media wiki days ago so it gave us that version

oetterer commented 2 months ago

If you havent invested much, I strongly recomment using the LTS (1.39). You have much better compatibility in generell for most extensions. Normally, you dont need the latest, freshest features from the "in-between-version" and it is totally reasonable to hop from LTS to LTS. Most people who run a productive mediawiki installation do this. Much less headache.

tr1age commented 2 months ago

We put a lot of info in there already. We move fast what is LTS?

oetterer commented 2 months ago


It's the "Long Term Support" Version. Wikimedia Foundation promisses to support the legacy branches for 1 year and the LTS branches for 3 year. Every fourth release is an LTS release (1.35, 1,39, 1.43, etc.). Therefore you can run your MediaWiki installation stable, bug- and security issues free for 3 years before you need to upgrade to a new core version. Otherwise, you would need to upgrade every year.

tr1age commented 2 months ago

WOW! The things you learn. Thank you for this. So with the stable.... is that not LTS? like how do upgrades work on that? Oh boy... I didn't know this...

oetterer commented 2 months ago

Just visited your wiki, looks really nice. Theoretically, there is a way to "downgrade". You could do an xml export of all your pages (in main, template, module and all your custom namespaces). Then you could scrap your current installation, make a fresh one with 1.39 and import all the xml files.

You could also try and run a 1.39 installation on your current database, maybe 1.42 database schema is compatible with 1.39. Though I woudn't recomment this.

WOW! The things you learn. Thank you for this. So with the stable.... is that not LTS? like how do upgrades work on that? Oh boy... I didn't know this...

No, stable is not LTS. Wikimedia Foudation always develops new features or does refactoring work on master branch. Once, all the desired features and work is done, they call a feature stop. Then all (discovered) bugs get fixed and a new stable version is set. The old stable becomes legacy and new features on master gets to be developed for the next stable. Every fourth version gets a longer support windows and will be maintained for three instead of one year.

tr1age commented 2 months ago

Thank you! We have been working really hard on it.

So technically we have a year of support on this version.. then what happens? "get smart" explosion type deal lol

oetterer commented 2 months ago

Thank you! We have been working really hard on it.

So technically we have a year of support on this version.. then what happens? "get smart" explosion type deal lol

The problem is much less the "only one year support" but more the problem with heavy hitter extensions like SemanticMediaWiki. They tend to need the full 3years from LTS to LTS to get compatible with the new version. Especially SMW, witch is afaik the most compley extension there is in the MW universe.

oetterer commented 2 months ago

Just attemtped your new version of semanticscribunto:

Warning: require(/home/u641889600/domains/ Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/u641889600/domains/ on line 45

Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Failed opening required '/home/u641889600/domains/' (include_path='/home/u641889600/domains/') in /home/u641889600/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/u641889600/domains/ {closure}() #1 /home/u641889600/domains/ ComposerAutoloaderInit_mediawiki_vendor::getLoader() #2 /home/u641889600/domains/ require_once('/home/u64188960...') #3 /home/u641889600/domains/ require_once('/home/u64188960...') #4 /home/u641889600/domains/ require_once('/home/u64188960...') #5 /home/u641889600/domains/ require('/home/u64188960...') #6 {main} thrown in /home/u641889600/domains/ on line 45

Try composer dump-autoloador edit vendor/composer/autoload_static.phpand remove the SemanticScribunto.php-reference in the array public static $files.

tr1age commented 2 months ago

Yeah Im sorry im dumb. I am so new to this. I didn't run composer. :P What does composer dump-autoload do?

oetterer commented 2 months ago

Please don't say that. MediaWiki is a complex beast and there is a long learning curve! Took me several years,

tr1age commented 2 months ago

This however is interesting. image and yeah it is really powerful but also really difficult. I liked Wiki.JS but it's kinda becoming vaporware.

oetterer commented 2 months ago

Yeah Im sorry im dumb. I am so new to this. I didn't run composer. :P What does composer dump-autoload do?

composer maintains a list of all the classes and files in its autoloader. That is a system that automatically loads a classes sourcefile, once a class is referenced. Old SSC had a class that needed to loaded hard on extension activation. I got rid of this on 2.3.0, but failed to just leave an empty file at the old location to mitigate any composer errors.

oetterer commented 2 months ago

This however is interesting. image and yeah it is really powerful but also really difficult. I liked Wiki.JS but it's kinda becoming vaporware.

Hmm. Look like a small problem with the messages. Thanks for pointing this out,

tr1age commented 2 months ago

YAY I WAS HELPFUL! haha and thanks again for helping and not being "above it" really nice of you if you want add me to discord "tr1age"

oetterer commented 2 months ago

Sry, I'm not really active on discord. But thanks for the offer, really nice of you!

oetterer commented 2 months ago

2.3.1 (b349c65efd7a3a745cc98c7617b1bd0c9a22059d) will fix the missing messages.

kghbln commented 2 months ago

@oetterer Should 2.3.1 be tagged now? If so, we must add some info about 2.3.1 to the release notes.

oetterer commented 2 months ago

@kghbln Sry, I'm not sure, what you mean. I tagged the version in git and put the new version number on In the install instructions it says "mediawiki/semantic-scribunto": "~2.3" which includes the 2.3.1. What did I miss?

kghbln commented 2 months ago

@oetterer Ah, senior moments. I looked at the releases rather than the tags. Yeah, tagging was done. :) Still, some info about both in the release notes is still missing.

oetterer commented 2 months ago

Oh yea. You are right. That I missed. Thanks!