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Switch to AWS SES for mail delivery #67

Closed kghbln closed 4 years ago

kghbln commented 4 years ago

I think it will be best to switch e-mail delivery to a mailing service rather than trying to maintain a mail server for the two wikis.

@JeroenDeDauw I think this will be save to do?

JeroenDeDauw commented 4 years ago

Is there a problem with the mail server?

kghbln commented 4 years ago

Try to make an educated guess. :)

JeroenDeDauw commented 4 years ago

How urgent is this then?

kghbln commented 4 years ago

I think this should be done this or next week.

kghbln commented 4 years ago

@JeroenDeDauw This completely ruined my day. Do I need to provide payment details to get this working? I really must deal with this after my return.

JeroenDeDauw commented 4 years ago

Missing some context here. Are you creating a new Amazon Web Services account for SMW stuff? Are you using the Professional Wiki account?

JeroenDeDauw commented 4 years ago

I'm currently not sure how to log into the SMW server btw. Too many credentials for Hetzner and their multiple places to login are not helping. URL to the place to log in plus the username would probably unconfuse me.

kghbln commented 4 years ago

Missing some context here. Are you creating a new Amazon Web Services account for SMW stuff? Are you using the Professional Wiki account?

No, I was thinking of using a new account for smw. However we as PW could sponsor this. If using PW I know what to do.

JeroenDeDauw commented 4 years ago

Lets use my private account instead. It is already setup. I'll send you the SMTP credentials later.

JeroenDeDauw commented 4 years ago

DNS stuff needs updating:

Domain Verification Record TXT 7u+nNHFnb3sJARN9wJ8DwFZBcLgvCjqhLz0XcGWFQHg=


JeroenDeDauw commented 4 years ago

@kghbln I've send you the SMTP credentials

kghbln commented 4 years ago


@JeroenDeDauw s-mw.o is not controlled by OSDA. We need to switch to which is since I have no interest to follow up on s-mw.o. smw.o is good enough for me. Could you initiate verification for smw.o? This is so bloody exhausting for me. Really.

I got the credentials. I assume that I can reuse them for smw.o

mkroetzsch commented 4 years ago

I am afraid I cannot extract from the posts what this thread is about, nor why Karsten is loosing his composure over it. But if there is any problem related to the domain registry of, I might be able to help.

kghbln commented 4 years ago

This is about making e-mail delivery more reliable. In the meantime gmail rejects e-mails from the wiki prior to delivery, i.e. the recipient receives nothing. Unfortunately a lot of people use gmail for whatever reason I yet fail to grasp. Anyways Amazon SES provides a mail delievery service which allows sending e-mails without the hassle of maintaining a mail server. To verify that we control the domain we need to add DNS records.

This is an example how the result looks in a DNS record for e.g.

Bildschirmfoto vom 2019-10-07 10-56-16

Jeroen posted the data to be added in his post.

JeroenDeDauw commented 4 years ago

@mkroetzsch can you add these 4 DNS records for If not we can set up emails via, though that is not quite as nice.

mkroetzsch commented 4 years ago

Ok, I can look into this. Will this affect the working of any email addresses of the form "" that are currently in use? I now have United Domains forward many such emails (including for my own account).

JeroenDeDauw commented 4 years ago

This won't effect existing email addresses. These DNS records just verify that we are not random spammers using addresses as sender, and that we instead control the domain.

kghbln commented 4 years ago

@JeroenDeDauw It will be great if we could also do this for smw.o to have an alternative.

JeroenDeDauw commented 4 years ago TXT M9lbcgv9861m8bxQ8Kxr2rswZwHopE0eDx2hYqg14Qo= CNAME CNAME CNAME

kghbln commented 4 years ago

@JeroenDeDauw Thanks a lot. Added the following:

mjodykbdy6tesbijqa7rjurdnve3kg3h._domainkey   300 IN CNAME
qso32z7eozrzqyzrwmm74r5ulgyxvsmx._domainkey   300 IN CNAME
rwvetgqmpxkm63edaxer6iqb2rxz7c3b._domainkey   300 IN CNAME
_amazonses           300 IN TXT     "M9lbcgv9861m8bxQ8Kxr2rswZwHopE0eDx2hYqg14Qo="

Note the quotes added tot th TXT entry which is required by syntax. Without the entry will fail. Also added 300 as TTL for the moment. Can be removed the next days.

It will be nice if you could report back fluff - hopefully.

kghbln commented 4 years ago

Obviously I have to edit smw.o and not osda.o :|

kghbln commented 4 years ago

Switched to AWS SES with Keeping this open for

JeroenDeDauw commented 4 years ago

@mkroetzsch so what is left here is adding these 4 DNS records to If you don't have time to manage the domain maybe you can share credentials? (keybase:

kghbln commented 4 years ago as sender of e-mails is good enough for me. Once is set up I can switch.