Semi-croustillants / S4A-Embedded

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How to make S4A-Embedded project #5

Open Nabeel9172 opened 8 years ago

Nabeel9172 commented 8 years ago

Guys you have done a great job. I have been looking for such thing for scratch and finally I found your code. I am new to flash programming and I am facing difficulty in making a project file for S4A-Embedded. Could you please guide me which IDE should I use to make project file and what is the procedure for it? I know I am asking very basic question but I am very new to such type of IDEs and flash programming. Kindly guide me. I am willing to interface raspberry pi with scratch.

Thank you. Best Regards

AlexLamande commented 8 years ago

Hi !

First, thanks for your comments :+1: Then, I'm not sure I've understood your question but let me try to :

I hope that I've answered your question. Feel free to comment if not.