Seneca-CDOT / simengine

simengine :: Hardware simulation engine for Alteeve's Anvil! Intelligent Availability platform and similar HA configurations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Main daemon should not be run as root ( #48

Open belavina opened 5 years ago

belavina commented 5 years ago

At the moment is run as root due to snmp port binding to :161. This is a major security vulnerability (app is open to script injection etc.).

ctyler commented 5 years ago

Traditional approach to this would be to start as root, open the port, and then drop root privilege. Example in Python: -- but you also need os.setgroups([]) to ensure that you don't have elevated privilege due to group membership.

However, a more advanced approach is to use capabilities(7) (see: "man 7 capabilities") which provides finer-grained privilege control than the traditional all/nothing approach -- see capsh(1), filecap(8), and setcap(8) for file-based capability setting (set maximum capabilities for an executable file), or the Python deescalate module ( for code-based capability dropping. Using file-based cap setting to restrict privilege to just CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE and then dropping that privilege after the port was open would probably be ideal (though I'm not sure how file capabilities apply to interpreted languages (?)).