Seneral / Node_Editor_Framework

A flexible and modular Node Editor Framework for creating node based displays and editors in Unity
MIT License
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Popups inside node in zoomed canvas #153

Closed RomanZhu closed 6 years ago

RomanZhu commented 6 years ago

HI again :D

I have a problem, if i zoom in canvas, then my popups are drawing in wrong positions :(

How to fix it? I have one thing in mind - recreate popup using other GUI elements..

9qz-fhjpt5klkjci5kzf5q zqmisft2sq_ud7toi2xj5w

How my nodes working - they create instance of CustomEditor for ReactionCollection class, so it's the same as in default inspector. and then they draw it

[CustomEditor(typeof(ReactionCollection))] public class ReactionCollectionEditor2 : Editor


Seneral commented 6 years ago

Ya, that's basically the core problem - the default popups do not support even the native scale, a shame really... Only solution is, as you said, to replace them. I personally won't do that for some time though, sorry - basically, the custom GenericMenu could be extended / used to work as popups though:) Seneral

Seneral commented 6 years ago

Closed because it is a known issue and internal Unity error...