Seneral / VC4CV

VideoCore IV Computer Vision framework and examples for the RaspberryPi Zero - GL- and QPU-based
MIT License
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Porting to VC6 #3

Open peyton-howe opened 2 years ago

peyton-howe commented 2 years ago

Hey Seneral, I have finally gotten my hands on a Pi 4 and am looking to port my previous work on the Pi 3 over. With the new GPU on the Pi 4, I know there is probably a good bit to convert and the first step is to change the windowing from dispmanx to SDL2 since dispmanx is no longer supported. I think I have it implemented correctly, but I’m running into a new compiling error that I’m not sure how to fix. I’m guessing it’s due to the makefile settings, but I’m not sure how to modo if you them.

Here is the compiling issue: 188F305F-F6AA-45CD-BA3F-D613A67C7386

Seneral commented 2 years ago

Well you already know more than I do, thought GL code might just port over, whereas QPU is basically a rewrite. So sorry, can't help, never dealt with a Pi 4 before

But since that is the linker, you need to add the SDL libraries into the cmake, somehow, just look it up

peyton-howe commented 2 years ago

Fair enough. I have gotten past the make issues and am now running into issues regarding the eglCreateImageKHR() function.

Did you have a lot of issues with this function when you were initially creating this program? If so, was there an easy way to debug it or any good resources besides the khronos documentation?