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email address on send request pages - friends vs not friends #112

Closed jahshaka closed 5 years ago

jahshaka commented 5 years ago

need to make sure we have privacy on send request pages when the person is not a contact - currently it shows the email address for a contact thats not a verified contact

so like friends vs friend of a friend or nota friend - they become a friend once you have sent them funds - we need to discuss this as we dont want people scraping email addresses

need tis concept in our data base - frinds vs strangers

if they are a freind you can view all data if they are not you see name and number only

what we dont want is 👍

1 send a phone number a request for funds and tehn get all their contact data even tough they are not a contact

jayrulez commented 5 years ago

Does this mean that we have changed the decision to just remove email addresses for those pages completey?

jahshaka commented 5 years ago

we want to remove them by default for sure its a security issue... but this goes both ways especially if you have two people with the same name..

so implelent the following rules:

if you have done

1 successful 2 way transaction with another user both users are email verified

then show it on their ADDRESS BOOK page only...


i think if a user is REQUESTING FUNDS and are EMAIL VERIFIED

show it on the request for funds page... on the receipt would be good both pre approval and pist approval


jayrulez commented 5 years ago

Basically the same as issue #162 Closing this one.