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Objective-C高级编程:iOS与OS X多线程和内存管理(Part1:MRC和ARC) #5

Closed SenorSamuel closed 7 years ago

SenorSamuel commented 7 years ago

Table of Contents generated with DocToc


  1. 一个非alloc/new/copy/muteCopy返回对象的方法应该由谁管理内存?
  2. AutoReleasePool也需要进行内存管理吗?如果要,谁来管理?

Chapter1 Life Before Automatic Reference Counting

Reference Counted Memory Management Overview

  1. Memory Management(means Reference Counting in OC) : a programmer allocates a memory area when the program needs it and frees it when the program no longer needs it.
  2. Reference Counting: invented by George E. Collins in 1960
  3. With Reference Counting,you don't need to remember the value of the reference counter itself or what refers to the object

Exploring Memory Management Further

  1. Reference Counting Rules:
    • You have ownership of any objects you create.
    • You can take ownership of an object using retain.
    • When no longer needed, you must relinquish ownership of an object you own.
    • You must not relinquish ownership of an object you don’t own.
Action for Objective-C Object Objective-C Method
Create and have ownership of it alloc/new/copy/mutableCopy group
Take ownership of it retain
Relinquish it release
Dispose of it dealloc

these method(alloc, retain, release, and dealloc) are not provided by the Objective-C language itself.They are features of the Foundation Framework as part of Cocoa Framework SamuelChan/20170706154549.png

You Have Ownership of Any Objects You Create
// You create an object and have ownership.
id obj     = [[NSObject alloc] init];
id obj     = [NSObject new];
id objNew1 = [obj copy];//NSCopying protocol:copyWithZone:
id objNew2 = [obj mutableCopy];//NSMutableCopying protocol:mutableCopyWithZone:
//the naming convention is applied to:
  allocMyObject newThatObject copyThis mutableCopyYourObject
//the naming convention is not applied to:
  allocate  newer  copying  mutableCopyed
You Can Take Ownership of an Object Using retain

Sometimes methods that are not in the alloc/new/copy/mutableCopy method group return an object : you haven't create it, so you don't have ownership of it.

// Obtain an object without creating it yourself or having ownership   

id obj = [NSMutableArray array];
// The obtained object exists and you don’t have ownership of it,but you have a reference to NSMutableArray object.

[obj retain];
// The obtained object exists and you don’t have ownership of it.
When No Longer Needed, You Must Relinquish Ownership of an Object You Own
// 1.alloc -> relinquish
// You create an object and have ownership.
id obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
// Now you have ownership of the object.
[obj release];
// The object is relinquished.Though the variable obj has the pointer to the object,you can’t access the object anymore.

// 2.retain -> relinquish
// Obtain an object without creating it yourself or having ownership
id obj = [NSMutableArray array];
// The obtained object exists and you don’t have ownership of it.
[obj retain];
// Now you have ownership of the object.
[obj release];
// The object is relinquished.You can’t access the object anymore.

how a method return a created object?

  1. alloc/new/copy/muteableCopy : If a method returns an object of which the methodhasownership,ownership is passed to the caller
- (id)allocObject {
  // You create an object and have ownership.
  id obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
  // At this moment, this method has ownership of the object.
  return obj;
  1. [NSMutableArray array] : Returning a New Object Without Ownership.By calling autorelease, you can return the created object without ownership 可以返回,而不是为什么要返回没有ownership的(means by design)
- (id)object {
  id obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
  /* At this moment, this method has ownership of the object. */

  [obj autorelease];
  /* The object exists, and you don’t have ownership of it. */
  return obj;


You Must Not Relinquish Ownership of an Object You Don’t Own
id obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
[obj release];
[obj release];//crash

id obj1 = [obj0 object];
[obj1 release];//crash sooner or later

/** why retainCount = -1 ? */
id obj2 = [NSArray array];
NSLog(@"%ld",[obj2 retainCount]);

id obj4 = [NSString string];
NSLog(@"%ld",[obj4 retainCount]);

Implementing alloc, retain, release, and dealloc

Although opensourced, I think this guess procedure still worth of being read so HERE WE GO.

  1. But still, without having the implementation of NSObject itself, it is hard to see the whole picture : NSObject has been opensource
  2. CFFoundation is open-source,and the source code for memory management that is used from NSObject is public
  3. GNUstep is a free software implementation of the Cocoa (formerly OpenStep) Objective-C frameworks, widget toolkit, and application development tools for Unix-like operating systems and Microsoft Windows. It is part of the GNU Project.Although we can’t expect it to be exactly the same as Apple’s implementation, it works in the same manner and the implementation should be similar.Understanding GNUstep source code helps us guess Apple’s Cocoa implementation
GNUStep implementation

1.The alloc Method

struct obj_layout {
    NSUInteger retained;
+ (id) alloc {
    int size = sizeof(struct obj_layout) + size_of_the_object;
    //在堆上,分配n*size个字节,并初始化为0,返回void* 类型
    struct obj_layout *p = (struct obj_layout *)calloc(1, size);
    return (id)(p + 1);

2.The retain Method SamuelChan/20170707105639.png

- (NSUInteger) retainCount {
    return NSExtraRefCount(self) + 1;
inline NSUInteger NSExtraRefCount(id anObject){
    return ((struct obj_layout *)anObject)[-1].retained; //移到头部

- (id) retain {
    return self;

inline void NSIncrementExtraRefCount(id anObject) {
   if (((struct obj_layout *)anObject)[-1].retained == UINT_MAX - 1)
   [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException format: @"NSIncrementExtraRefCount() asked increment too far"];
   ((struct obj_layout *)anObject)[-1].retained++;

3.The release Method

- (void) release {
  if (NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero(self))
  [self dealloc]; //dispose it

BOOL NSDecrementExtraRefCountWasZero(id anObject) {
  if (((struct obj_layout *)anObject)[-1].retained == 0) {
    return YES;
  } else {
    ((struct obj_layout *)anObject)[-1].retained--;
    return NO;

4.The dealloc Method

- (void) dealloc {
  NSDeallocateObject (self);

inline void NSDeallocateObject(id anObject) {
  struct obj_layout *o = &((struct obj_layout *)anObject)[-1];
Apple’s Implementation of alloc, retain, release, and dealloc

1.The alloc method


2.retainCount, retain, and release




int __CFDoExternRefOperation(uintptr_t op, id obj) {
    CFBasicHashRef table = get hashtable from obj;
    int count;
    switch (op) {
      case OPERATION_retainCount:
        count = CFBasicHashGetCountOfKey(table, obj);
        return count;
      case OPERATION_retain:
        CFBasicHashAddValue(table, obj);
        return obj;
      case OPERATION_release:
        count = CFBasicHashRemoveValue(table, obj);
        return 0 == count;

- (NSUInteger) retainCount {
    return (NSUInteger)__CFDoExternRefOperation(OPERATION_retainCount, self);

- (id) retain {
  return (id)__CFDoExternRefOperation(OPERATION_retain, self);

- (void) release {
  return __CFDoExternRefOperation(OPERATION_release, self);

3.Apple implementation vs GNUStep implementation
GNUStep implementation:

Apple implementation:

SamuelChan/20170707113104.png SamuelChan/20170707113946.png


1.Automatic Variables in C language:when left the variable scope,auto variable 'int a' is disposed of and can't be accessed anymore.

  int a;

2.autoRelease:when execution leaves a code block, the “release” method is called on the object automatically


//1. Create an NSAutoreleasePool object.
NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];

//2. Call “autorelease” to allocated objects.
id obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
[obj autorelease];

//3. Discard the NSAutoreleasePool object.
[pool drain];//will do [obj release]


No need to explicitly use the NSAutoreleasePool object in the main Runloop

@autoreleasepool {
        return UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class]));


Implementing autorelease
class AutoreleasePoolPage {
  static inline void *push() {
    /* It corresponds to creation and ownership of an NSAutoreleasePool object */

  static inline void pop(void *token) {
    /* It corresponds to disposal of an NSAutoreleasePool object */

  static inline id autorelease(id obj) {
    /* It corresponds to NSAutoreleasePool class method addObject. */
    AutoreleasePoolPage *autoreleasePoolPage = /* getting active    AutoreleasePoolPage object */

  id *add(id obj) {
    /* add the obj to an internal array; */ }
    void releaseAll() {
      /* calls release for all the objects in the internal array */

void *objc_autoreleasePoolPush(void) {
  return AutoreleasePoolPage::push();

void objc_autoreleasePoolPop(void *ctxt) {

id objc_autorelease(id obj) {
  return AutoreleasePoolPage::autorelease(obj);

Chapter2 ARC Rules

Apple: Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) in Objective-C makes memory management the job of the compiler. By enabling ARC with the new Apple LLVM compiler, you will never need to type retain or release again, dramatically simplifying the development process, while reducing crashes and memory leaks. The compiler has a complete understanding of your objects, and releases each object the instant it is no longer used, so apps run as fast as ever, with predictable, smooth performance.1

ARC related:


- the relationship of the reference counting rules with ARC  
- the ownership specifiers one by one  
- we learn the rules to make your code ARC-friendly: by simply following the rules

Ownership qualifiers

With ARC,, ‘id’ and object type variables must have one of the following four ownership qualifiers:

1.__strong ownership qualifier
/* non-ARC */
  id obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
  [obj release];

/* ARC */
  id __strong obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];

  id __strong obj = [NSMutableArray array];

//ownership is properly managed not only by variable scope, but also by assignments between variables
id __strong obj0 = [[NSObject alloc] init];
id __strong obj1 = [[NSObject alloc] init];
id __strong obj2 = nil;
obj0 = obj1;
obj2 = obj0;
obj1 = nil;
obj0 = nil;
obj2 = nil;

//By the way, any variables that are qualified with __strong, __weak, and __autoreleasing, are initialized with nil
id __strong obj0;
id __weak obj1;
id __autoreleasing obj2;
The above source code is equivalent to the following.
id __strong obj0 = nil;
id __weak obj1 = nil;
id __autoreleasing obj2 = nil;
2.__weak ownership qualifier

solve circular reference,self reference: A weak reference does not have ownership of the object.

When a variable has a reference to an object and the object is discarded, the weak reference also disappears automatically, which means that the variable is assigned to nil.


id __weak obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];//wrong,
//warning: assigning retained obj to weak variable; obj will be released after assignment [-Warc-unsafe-retained-assign]

id __strong obj0 = [[NSObject alloc] init];
id __weak obj1 = obj0;
3.__unsafe_unretained ownership qualifier
__weak               : iOS5 (or later) or OSX Lion (or later)
__unsafe _unretained : before iOS5 or before OSX Lion

id __unsafe_unretained obj1 = nil;
  id __strong obj0 = [[NSObject alloc] init];
  obj1 = obj0;
  NSLog(@"A: %@", obj1);
NSLog(@"B: %@", obj1);//Crash:野指针,访问僵尸对象,报EXC_BAD_ADDRESS




(4) EXC_BAD_ADDRESS ARC什么时候会出现?? Core-Foundation,混编,C++
4.__autoreleasing ownership qualifier

SamuelChan/20170711144133.png SamuelChan/20170711144249.png

@autoreleasepool {
//not in the alloc/new/copy/mutableCopy method group,register in autoReleasePool
    id __strong obj = [NSMutableArray array];

//“id obj” does not have a qualifier. So it is qualified with __strong. When the “return” sentence is executed, the variable scope is left and the strong reference disappears. Therefore the object will be released automatically. Before that, if the compiler detects that the object will be passed to the caller, the object is registered in autoreleasepool.

+ (id) array {
  id obj = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
  return obj;
id obj         == id __strong obj;  
id *obj        == id __autoreleasing *obj;  
NSObject **obj == NSObject * __autoreleasing *obj  
-(BOOL) performOperationWithError:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;
5.Returning a Result as the Argument

The caller will obtain the object as an argument, which means that the caller does not obtain it from the alloc/new/copy/mutableCopy method group. To follow the memory management rules, when you do not obtain an object by the alloc/new/copy/mutableCopy method group, the object has to be passed without ownership. By the __autoreleasing ownership qualifier, the rule is fulfilled.

- (BOOL) performOperationWithError:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error {
  /* Error occurred. Set errorCode */
  return NO;

//To assign an object pointer, both ownership qualifiers have to be the same.
NSError __autoreleasing *error = nil;
NSError * __autoreleasing *pError = &error; /* No compile error */

//compile optimization(before)
NSError __strong *error = nil;
BOOL result = [obj performOperationWithError:&error];

//compile optimization(after)
NSError __strong *error = nil;
NSError __autoreleasing *tmp = error;
BOOL result = [obj performOperationWithError:&tmp];
error = tmp;


  1.Forget about using retain, release, retainCount, and autorelease.
  2.Forget about using NSAllocateObject and NSDeallocateObject.
  3.Follow the naming rule for methods related to object creation:
    create ownership:alloc/new/copy/mutableCopy/- (instanceType)initWithXXX
  4.Forget about calling dealloc explicitly.
      dealloc is a suitable place to remove the object from delegate or observers
  5.Use @autoreleasepool instead of NSAutoreleasePool.
  6.Forget about using Zone (NSZone)
  7.Object type variables can’t be members of struct or union in C language.

8.‘id’ and ‘void’ have to be cast explicitly.
With ARC,To cast between ‘id’ or object types and 'void
',you can use __bridge

//dangerous: should be careful,since you don't know whether p have ownership or not.
id obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];   
void *p = (__bridge void *)obj;
id o = (__bridge id)p;

//__bridge dangling pointer example
void *p = nil;
  id obj = [NSObject new];
  p = (__bridge void *)obj;
NSLog(@"%@",(__bridge id)p);//错误,野指针

__bridge_retained__bridge_transfer 都是用来解决void *的ownership的

//__bridge_retained:__bridge_retained cast works as if the assigned variable has ownership of the object
//example 1
id obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
void *p = (__bridge_retained void *)obj;//pointer p也有ownership

//example 2
void *p = 0;
  id obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];
  p = (__bridge_retained void *)obj;

NSLog(@"class=%@", [(__bridge id)p class]);//after leave the scrope variable, p still have ownership
//__bridge_transfer:__bridge_transfer cast will release the object just after the assignment is done.
//example 1
id obj = (__bridge_transfer id)p;

//example 2
void *p = (__bridge_retained void *)[[NSObject alloc] init];
NSLog(@"class=%@", [(__bridge id)p class]);
(void)(__bridge_transfer id)p;
Core Foundation

iOS的系统架构分为四个层次:核心操作系统层(Core OS layer)、核心服务层(Core Services layer)、媒体层(Media layer)和可触摸层(Cocoa Touch layer)。Core Foundation框架 (CoreFoundation.framework) 是一组C语言接口,它们为iOS应用程序提供基本数据管理和服务功能。位于第二层核心服务层 cocoa Foundation框架位于第四层。 CoreFoundation

1.Core Foundation,mainly written in C;has reference counting
2.Toll-Free Bridged Types:There are a number of data types in the Core Foundation framework and the Foundation framework that can be used interchangeably. Data types that can be used interchangeably are also referred to as toll-free bridged data types

CFBridgingRetain function

CFTypeRef CFBridgingRetain(id X) {
  return (__bridge_retained CFTypeRef)X;
CFMutableArrayRef cfObject = NULL;
  id obj = [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];
  cfObject = CFBridgingRetain(obj);//warning...
  //cfObject =  (__bridge_retained CFMutableArrayRef)obj;//no warning
  printf("retain count = %d\n", CFGetRetainCount(cfObject));
printf("retain count after the scope = %d\n",   CFGetRetainCount(cfObject)); CFRelease(cfObject);
CFMutableArrayRef cfObject = CFArrayCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault, 0, NULL);
printf("retain count = %d\n", CFGetRetainCount(cfObject));
id obj = CFBridgingRelease(cfObject);
printf("retain count after the cast = %d\n",CFGetRetainCount(cfObject));
NSLog(@"class=%@", obj);


Property modifier Ownership qualifier
assign __unsafe _unretained
copy __strong (note: new copied object is assigned.)
retain __strong
strong __strong
unsafe_unretained __unsafe _unretained
weak __weak

Chapter 3 ARC implementation


  id __strong obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];

/* pseudo code by the compiler */
id obj = objc_msgSend(NSObject, @selector(alloc));
objc_msgSend(obj, @selector(init));

an object is not obtained by the alloc/new/copy/mutableCopy


  1. objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue function is for performance optimization. It is inserted because the NSMutableArray class method array is not in the alloc/new/copy/mutableCopy method group. The compiler inserts this function every time just after the invocation of a method if the method is not in the group. As the name suggests, it retains an object returned from a method or function after the object is added in autorelease pool.
  2. objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue function expects that an objc_autoreleaseReturnValue function has been called inside the method. Any methods, that are not in the alloc/new/copy/mutableCopy group, have to call objc_autoreleaseReturnValue
  id __strong obj = [NSMutableArray array];

/* pseudo code by the compiler */
id obj = objc_msgSend(NSMutableArray, @selector(array));


  1. objc_autoreleaseReturnValue adds an object to autorelease pool and returns it
  2. objc_autoreleaseReturnValue checks the caller’s executable code and if the code calls objc_retainAutoreleasedReturnValue just after calling this method: it just returns the object to the caller,So, performance will be improved.


+ (id) array {
  return [[NSMutableArray alloc] init];

This source code is converted as follows. It calls objc_autoreleaseReturnValue function at the last.
/* pseudo code by the compiler */
+ (id) array
  id obj = objc_msgSend(NSMutableArray, @selector(alloc));
  objc_msgSend(obj, @selector(init));
  return objc_autoreleaseReturnValue(obj);



/* example */
  id __weak obj1 = obj;
/* pseudo code by the compiler */
id obj1;
objc_initWeak(&obj1, obj); //call obj1 = 0; objc_storeWeak(&obj1, obj);
objc_destroyWeak(&obj1);   //call objc_storeWeak(&obj1, 0);

Hash table : 我们知道,数组的最大特点就是:寻址容易,插入和删除困难;而链表正好相反,寻址困难,而插入和删除操作容易。那么如果能够结合两者的优点,做出一种寻址、插入和删除操作同样快速容易的数据结构,那该有多好。这就是哈希表创建的基本思想,而实际上哈希表也实现了这样的一个“夙愿”,哈希表就是这样一个集查找、插入和删除操作于一身的数据结构。


 * This function stores a new value into a __weak variable. It would
 * be used anywhere a __weak variable is the target of an assignment.
 * @param location The address of the weak pointer itself
 * @param newObj The new object this weak ptr should now point to
 * @return \e newObj
id objc_storeWeak(id *location, id newObj)

//when obj = 0,the entry remove from hash table
objc_storeWeak(&obj1, obj);

When an Object Is Discarded

  1. objc_release.
  2. dealloc is called because retain count becomes zero.
  3. _objc_rootDealloc.
  4. object_dispose.
  5. objc_destructInstance.
  6. objc_clear_deallocating:
    1. From the weak table, get an entry of which the key is the object to be discarded.
    2. Set nil to all the __weak ownership qualified variables in the entry.
    3. Remove the entry from the table.
    4. For the object to be disposed of, remove its key from the reference table.

Assigning a Newly Created Object

  id __weak obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];

/* pseudo code by the compiler */
id obj;
id tmp = objc_msgSend(NSObject, @selector(alloc));
objc_msgSend(tmp, @selector(init));
objc_initWeak(&obj, tmp);

Adding to autorelease pool Automatically
验证汇编代码: Xcode → Debug → Debug workflow → Always show Disassembly. 输入下面的例子,会看到编译器插入的是release不是autorelease

In conclusion, this design of weak ensure that during the usage of weak pointer, its state is consistent. The new implmenetation of weak of Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.42.1) do not postpond the release to autoreleasepool, but use objc_release directly.

  id __weak obj1 = obj;
  NSLog(@"%@", obj1);
/* iOS5及之前编译器做法 */
id obj1;
objc_initWeak(&obj1, obj);
id tmp = objc_loadWeakRetained(&obj1);
NSLog(@"%@", tmp);

/* 现在的编译器做法*/
id obj = objc_msgSend(NSObject, "new");
id obj1;
objc_initWeak(&obj1, obj);
id tmp = objc_loadWeakRetained(obj1);//objc_loadWeakRetained would increment the reference count to ensure that tmp is alive in the NSLog statement.
NSLog(@"%@", obj1);
objc_storeStrong(&obj, 0);//release



@autoreleasepool {
  id __autoreleasing obj = [[NSObject alloc] init];

/* pseudo code by the compiler */
id pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
id obj = objc_msgSend(NSObject, @selector(alloc));
objc_msgSend(obj, @selector(init));  
objc_autorelease(obj);    //放进自动释放池

@autoreleasepool {
  id __autoreleasing obj = [NSMutableArray array];

/* pseudo code by the compiler */
id pool = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
id obj = objc_msgSend(NSMutableArray, @selector(array));

Reference Count

uintptr_t _objc_rootRetainCount(id obj):don't return reliable value all the time


  1. 本书本之前讨论的内存管理是基于GNUStep或者是CFFoundation里面的内存管理部分.现在NSObject已经开源了
  2. objc4-709


有些对象如果支持使用TaggedPointer,苹果会直接将其指针值作为引用计数返回;否则 Runtime 会使用一张散列表来管理引用计数。



判断当前对象是否在使用 TaggedPointer 是看标志位是否为 1;id的isTaggedPointer()方法经常会在操作引用计数时用到,因为这决定了存储引用计数的策略。

#   define TAG_MASK (1ULL<<63)
#   define TAG_MASK 1

inline bool
    return ((uintptr_t)this & TAG_MASK);
    return false;
struct SideTable {
    // 保证原子操作的自旋锁
    spinlock_t slock;
    // 引用计数的 hash 表
    RefcountMap refcnts;
    // weak 引用全局 hash 表
    weak_table_t weak_table;

SideTable 结构体重定了几个非常重要的变量。
// The order of these bits is important.
#define SIDE_TABLE_DEALLOCATING      (1UL<<1)  // MSB-ward of weak bit
#define SIDE_TABLE_RC_ONE            (1UL<<2)  // MSB-ward of deallocating bit
#define SIDE_TABLE_RC_PINNED         (1UL<<(WORD_BITS-1))//最高位字节为0


- (NSUInteger)retainCount {
    return ((id)self)->rootRetainCount();

inline uintptr_t
    if (isTaggedPointer()) return (uintptr_t)this;
    return sidetable_retainCount();

    SideTable& table = SideTables()[this];
    size_t refcnt_result = 1;

    RefcountMap::iterator it = table.refcnts.find(this);
    if (it != table.refcnts.end()) {
        // this is valid for SIDE_TABLE_RC_PINNED too
        refcnt_result += it->second >> SIDE_TABLE_RC_SHIFT;//右移两位
    return refcnt_result;
- (id)retain {
    return ((id)self)->rootRetain();

// Base retain implementation, ignoring overrides.
// This does not check isa.fast_rr; if there is an RR override then
// it was already called and it chose to call [super retain].
inline id
    if (isTaggedPointer()) return (id)this;
    return sidetable_retain();

    SideTable& table = SideTables()[this];

    size_t& refcntStorage = table.refcnts[this];
    if (! (refcntStorage & SIDE_TABLE_RC_PINNED)) {
        //相当于+(1 << 2)
        refcntStorage += SIDE_TABLE_RC_ONE;
    return (id)this;
- (oneway void)release {

inline bool
    if (isTaggedPointer()) return false;
    return sidetable_release(true);

// rdar://20206767
// return uintptr_t instead of bool so that the various raw-isa
// -release paths all return zero in eax
objc_object::sidetable_release(bool performDealloc)
    SideTable& table = SideTables()[this];
    bool do_dealloc = false;
    RefcountMap::iterator it = table.refcnts.find(this);
    if (it == table.refcnts.end()) {
        do_dealloc = true;
        table.refcnts[this] = SIDE_TABLE_DEALLOCATING;
    } else if (it->second < SIDE_TABLE_DEALLOCATING) {
        // 判断引用计数是否为0,如果小于SIDE_TABLE_DEALLOCATING,只有00000001或者00000000,两种情况下,引用计数都为0,所以需要将do_dealloc置为0
        // SIDE_TABLE_WEAKLY_REFERENCED may be set. Don't change it.
        do_dealloc = true;
        it->second |= SIDE_TABLE_DEALLOCATING;
    } else if (! (it->second & SIDE_TABLE_RC_PINNED)) {
         // 如果符合这个条件,即:引用计数没有溢出(最高位为0),do_dealloc为0,weak_reference为0)
        it->second -= SIDE_TABLE_RC_ONE;
    if (do_dealloc  &&  performDealloc) {
        ((void(*)(objc_object *, SEL))objc_msgSend)(this, SEL_dealloc);
    return do_dealloc;
6. alloc
  1. objc_release.
  2. dealloc is called because retain count becomes zero.
  3. _objc_rootDealloc.
  4. object_dispose.
  5. objc_destructInstance
  6. objc_clear_deallocating:
    1. From the weak table, get an entry of which the key is the object to be discarded.
    2. Set nil to all the __weak ownership qualified variables in the entry.
    3. Remove the entry from the table.
    4. For the object to be disposed of, remove its key from the reference table



void *context = objc_autoreleasePoolPush();
// {}中的代码

1.Objective-C 引用计数原理,部分地方最新的obj4版本已经改了