Senryoku / Draftmancer

Multiplayer MTG Limited Simulator
MIT License
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Tooltips overlap in bracket #294

Open tooomm opened 2 years ago

tooomm commented 2 years ago

When you hover over the Player submitted their deck icon two tooltips are shown and the standing information is partly covered: tooltip

Currently, clicking a players name shows his submitted deck (or a hint that he hasn't submitted anything). I think it is probably enough if the player name is not clickable and only the dedicated "deck submitted" icon links to a player's deck. If the icons is not shown because no deck is submitted yet, that is enough information and the "player hasn't submitted a deck" is redundant. That might help with separating the tooltips as well.

Senryoku commented 2 years ago

I just moved the tooltip (6453ba5c115c3240084d2d95f062e1f89d2fed30). image

Not sure about your second point, sure it's one useless click, but at least it's perfectly clear this way (rather than a "silent error").

tooomm commented 2 years ago

I just moved the tooltip (6453ba5).

Ha, that's a simple workaround and improves the situation as things are readable now at least!

It still feels weird to hover the icon and suddenly there is so much additional (and unrelated) information about the player and their record showing up. I think those two things should not be connected.

Not sure about your second point, sure it's one useless click, but at least it's perfectly clear this way (rather than a "silent error").

I'm not sure if I can follow you there... if the player name is simply never clickable, than there can be no confusion about a "dead click" and potentially hidden functionality in some circumstances in the first place? If you see the green icon as a badge connected to the player, than that should probably not be clickable on the other hand (comparable to the coloured collection uploaded icon or crown in the player list). But either way it would help if each has their own area.

Re: No "deck submitted" icon shown, no deck provided to see. Of course one can argue that there could be an "empty clipboard" icon in e.g. grey, normal or even red color with a related tooltip as long as no deck information is shared by that player. Again, similar to the collection icon. That's also a good solution in my opinion.

Senryoku commented 2 years ago

I meant that if the user expect something to happen on click, making it non-clickable may be interpreted as a malfunction. After re-reading your comment I realize that you also wanted the icon to be the only thing clickable, in that case it makes more sense, but honestly I don't really see a problem with the current implementation (having two tooltips up at the same time sure isn't great but it's so minor I'm not sure I want to re-arrange the markup just for that). And I'd rather keep the bigger click target :)

tooomm commented 2 years ago

After re-reading your comment I realize that you also wanted the icon to be the only thing clickable, in that case it makes more sense

Well, to be precise I tried to describe two different possibilities, which are both ok and better than the current situation IMO.

To wrap it up again in case this gets relevant at a later point: I mostly think sacrificing the bigger click target is still beneficial and more in line with the general app behavior... the basic request would be to not show the tooltips simultaneously. Whether the player name is clickable or not (as well as if the deck icon would be clickable or not, or both are clickable) are of secondary importance I think. I would favour not clickable player name and only clickable deck icon. Users are used to clickable icons already (e.g. next to the session id field or as owner in the list of players next to their names) and that takes away the "dead click" on a player name as long as no deck is submitted yet.

honestly I don't really see a problem with the current implementation (having two tooltips up at the same time sure isn't great but it's so minor I'm not sure I want to re-arrange the markup just for that)

Fair enough. There is probably bigger issues or features to tackle. Or just more interesting stuff worth tinkering with, hehe. 👍

Re: No "deck submitted" icon shown, no deck provided to see. Of course one can argue that there could be an "empty clipboard" icon in e.g. grey, normal or even red color with a related tooltip as long as no deck information is shared by that player. Again, similar to the collection icon. That's also a good solution in my opinion.

Do you think having a permanent "player deck status" indication - similar to the permanent the red/green collection status icon - is a good thing?